Search Results for : parenting

Blended Families: A New Kind of Togetherness

When partners in a relationship combine their children from previous relationships or adopt children, they create a blended family, also referred to as a stepfamily. This new family unit often emerges as the partners strengthen their bond and decide to

Awareness Hindi

किशोरावस्था पर सोशल मीडिया का प्रभाव 

किशोरावस्था  (adolescence) मानव जीवन के व्यक्तित्व का नींव माना जाता है। वैज्ञानिक आमतौर पर इसे 13-19 वर्ष के बीच का समय मानते है। एक बालक को किशोरावस्था में शारीरिक, मानसिक, और भावनात्मक बदलावों का सामना करना पड़ता है। यह बदलाव


Premarital Counseling: Insights from Psychologists for a Stronger Marriage

As your big day approaches, unexpected challenges arise – invitations must be prepared, last-minute beauty appointments are cancelled, wardrobe issues emerge, or Mehndi, Haldi, and Sangeeth preparations go awry. Even simple weddings can be stressful if you arrive late to


Long-Term Effects of Childhood Neglect on Adult Mental Health

Childhood is a crucial time when emotional, psychological, and social well-being is shaped for the future. Many challenges can affect a child’s development, and one of the most harmful forms of abuse is neglect. Unlike physical abuse, which often leaves

Life Style

Psychology behind Aggression

In psychology, aggression often covers a wide range of behaviours that can cause physical or mental harm to oneself or others. Aggression and violence are often driven by negative emotions like fear or anger. For instance, a person may react

Awareness Self Help

Why it’s Important to have High Self-Esteem, According to Psychology 

Self-esteem is a judgment or evaluation of our sense of self-worth and value. It includes how we feel about ourselves, our abilities, achievements, and qualities, and how we compare ourselves to other people and the people around us. According to


Psychologists Suggest 9 Things for Parents to Raise Empathetic Children

Empathy is a concept emphasised significantly when talking about gentle parenting. Gentle parenting is a new concept where parents raise their kids without using rewards and punishment as a tactic. Through empathy, respect, understanding, and the establishment of sound limits,

Awareness Parenting

The Impact of Divorce on Children’s Mental Health

Divorce is a major life experience that can significantly alter a child’s world. It affects emotional well-being, behavioural patterns, and social interactions. While shifting family structures and parents dealing with life’s turmoil, children often get caught right in the middle.


The Impact of Conditional Parental Regard on Children

Imagine being a child and being told that you are only loved when you achieve the perfect grades, when you behave perfectly and make your parents proud. You must feel the weight of constantly being “on” and striving to be

Self Help

Strategies for Coping with and Recovering from Online Abuse

Any form of abuse that takes place online is referred to as online abuse. Any web-connected device, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones, is susceptible to it. It can also occur anyplace on the internet, such as texts and messaging apps