Search Results for : panic
Awareness Education

The Psychology Behind Crowd Behaviour and Mob Mentality

Researchers have observed the psychological phenomenon of mob mentality in various instances around the world. In India, the most prominent instances usually revolve around politics, religion and/or culture. Conflict between people of different cultures and the common occurrences of prejudice

Positive Self Help

Meditation for Anxiety: Stress Reduction and Emotional Balance

According to WHO, 4 % of the world’s population is currently living with anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders, with 301 million per cent worldwide. Anxiety is very common for everyone, those who suffer from anxiety disorders

Self Help

Pluviophile or Monsoon Blues? Embrace the Beauty of Rain

The rain embarks Indian cities giving a relief with heatwaves. With the onset of rain, people’s reactions are on polar ends. Some love it and some hate it. What is its psychological interpretation? Olfactory Stimulation Rain often brings with it


Shows/Series that Perfectly Portray Mental Health Issues

Mental health is something that should always be taken seriously. People might seemingly be happy, but you don’t know the battles they would be fighting every day and not showing it. One way to represent mental health and its importance


Thalassophobia: Fear of Oceans and Large Water bodies

Imagine an endless stretching ocean, its deep blue colour merging with the horizon. The rhythmic sounds of the waves feel like soothing music. The salty breeze refreshes your mind as it touches your skin. Didn’t this magically relax you? What


Understanding the Proust Effect

“Nothing brings to life again a forgotten memory like fragrance.” C Poindexter. Has a scent ever brought back memories of a certain occasion or period of your life? for example the scent of wet soil, the scent of cookies and


James Langes Theory of Emotions

Emotions help us feel the world around us. They let us enjoy life, smile, and care for others. Without them, we’d lack drive, as the joy we chase would mean nothing. Life would turn into a fight to stay alive.


Creepy Clown Phenomenon 

Many have experienced a creepy, eerie feeling around clowns, often reporting anxiety and fear in their presence. These reactions can stem from various social and psychological factors. Their unsettling makeup and exaggerated facial features are covered by a weird mask,


Actor Fahadh Faasil Aka FAFA Reveals His diagnosed with ADHD

Actor Fahadh Faasil, who gave movies like Diamond Necklace, Amen, and Artist recently revealed his ADHD diagnosis at the age of 41. What is ADHD? ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a form of neurodevelopmental disorder that is prevalent across the


Understanding The Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Model

Have you ever faced a serious case of procrastination? You are faced with a challenging project at work or school, and instead of focusing all your attention on the task at hand, you find yourself procrastinating and thus avoiding the