Search Results for : meditation

10 Skills You Need to Excel in the 21st Century, According to Psychology

The 21st century is highly unpredictable, it is characterised by rapid change in all areas of our lives. We can see rapid technological and industrial changes and these changes are not just limited to specific areas of our lives, they

Positive Self Help

The Power of Personal Growth: Simple Strategies for Success

Personal growth is a lifelong process of self-realization or self-development. To grow personally means to initiate a quest to understand one’s inner self more deeply, cultivate inner strengths, and embrace the dynamic nature of our own identities. This paper explores

Positive Self Help

Psychology of Spiritual Awakening: Transforming Self and Society

Modern society is reeling with super technological attractiveness and constant exposure to stimuli, it is no wonder why more and more people are seeking something that can bring them satisfaction and contentment. None of the subjects of human life are

Self Help

How to Handle Work Stress and Avoid Leaving Your Job?

In today’s fast world of working environment, handling stress effectively you toughest for maintaining both job performance and overall well-being. Many people have gone through stress at work but not everyone knows how to handle it without considering quitting their


The Ingredients of Charisma 

The word charisma has been popularised by the self-help industry and the self-help gurus. If you go on YouTube and search for the word charisma you would be swamped by many videos on charisma and its traits and how to


Navigating Hard Times: Effective Strategies for Resilience and Coping

Life’s journey is often fraught with challenges, ranging from financial struggles and health issues to relationship problems and personal losses. These hardships can be overwhelming, testing our mental, emotional, and physical limits. However, the capacity to navigate these difficulties and

Awareness Self Help

Psychological Insights into Metacognition and Learning

Metacognition involves using strategies to accomplish cognitive activities and employing mechanisms to evaluate the efficiency of these processes (Flavell, 1979). Metacognition helps various individuals find ways by which they can think, study, and resolve issues in courses of action that


6 ways to Find More Meaning in Life

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. Oscar Wilde What is the meaning of life? Philosophers have been wrestling with this question since time immemorial. Whether it’s the existentialists like Nietzche, the


In Paris, the Olympics make space for mental health too.

The Paris 2024 Olympics will feature a new mental health zone for athletes. Located in the Athletes Village, this space aims to support athletes’ well-being alongside their physical training. Mental health is not just a concept in the world today.

Social Technology

Navigating Mental Health in the World of Digital Nomadism 

With improving technology and growth in internet facilities, digital nomadism has provided professionals today with a peculiar way of life that entails freedom, flexibility, and adventure. On the other hand, this kind of living that digital nomadism offers poses evident