Search Results for : emotions
Awareness Health

Know About 6 Types of Emotions, And How They Affect Human Behavior

Meaning and Definition of Emotions: Emotions can be stated as reactions consisting of subjective cognitive states, physiological reactions and expressive behaviours. An emotion is a complex reaction pattern in response to a stimulus and it has experimental, behavioural, and physiological elements

Health News

How to differentiate between anxiety and depression can we understand our emotions?

Depression and anxiety are generally known as common mental disorders. People are generally confused that both depression and anxiety are similar, as it shares some symptoms same. But mental health professionals clearly say “It is not true, Depression and anxiety

Self Help

How To Regulate Our Emotions?

Sometimes we become so ignorant of things or so blind that the reality is right in front of us and we are not able to see it. Humans are very much driven by emotions, which is a good thing because

Self Help

What is Thinking About Emotions and How It Can Help you

Emotions are more than just feelings. But how exactly are they more than just feelings? We assign words to emotions and we have a subjective experience. We grow up developing an idea of emotions. We learn words such as happy,



A 32-year-old man, is already 30 minutes late for his meeting because of getting stuck in heavy traffic jam. A person named Raj is driving another car behind him keeps honking and tells him to keep moving. Suddenly he gets


The Psychology of the Lipstick Effect

What is that one thing you can’t live without and would buy somehow even if the whole world is turning upside down? Do you shop when money is rolling in like, ka-ching? Or do you buy when you’re depressed? And

Awareness Health

The Rise of AI in Mental Health: Benefits and Hurdles

In the last two years, interest in AI therapy has increased, and with that, experts have come to the front to discuss its merits and demerits. As we get to learn more about artificial intelligence, particularly how it applies to


What are Puppy Blues?

“Puppy blues” is a term that describes the rollercoaster of emotions when you get a new puppy. At first, you’re thrilled with euphoria holding this adorable bundle of joy. But soon, the excitement wears off, and you feel overwhelmed because


Psychologists Suggest 9 Things for Parents to Raise Empathetic Children

Empathy is a concept emphasised significantly when talking about gentle parenting. Gentle parenting is a new concept where parents raise their kids without using rewards and punishment as a tactic. Through empathy, respect, understanding, and the establishment of sound limits,


Modern Day Workplaces and Dehumanization

“Study hard now and you will enjoy your life later when you get a good job.” We grow up hearing this one phrase our entire lives. Life will be good after this exam, life will be good after I get