Search Results for : autism

Down Syndrome: A Guide to Symptoms and Treatments

Imagine a world where we celebrate people for their unique abilities, where we see the diversity of people as a strength rather than a challenge or problem. Down Syndrome, is a genetic condition in which the person has an extra


Understanding Mutism: Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Mutism is a condition characterized by an inability or unwillingness to speak, or a significant reduction in speech. It is a frequent clinical sign observed in both psychiatric and neurological outpatient clinics. Although rarely seen as an isolated disability, it


Pervasive Developmental Disorders 

You might not have heard the term “pervasive developmental disorder” (PDD) in a while. That’s because, in 2013, the medical community transitioned to a more inclusive term: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). But what exactly does this spectrum encompass, and how did


Synesthesia: Blending of the Senses

Have you ever felt the bitter taste while seeing a vibrant green colour? or saw a purple colour house, experiencing the taste of cakes? Why does Hearing some singers’ voices, make you see splashes of colours?, and seeing the number


New Study Reveals How the Brain Detects Gaze Direction

The University of Geneva (UNIGE) recently conducted a study on the exact moment of gaze direction detection which was published in the journal NeuroImage. The findings enhance the understanding of autism spectrum disorder and even offer therapeutic prospects for people


Psychologist’s Insights on Empathy and its Psychological Foundations

What is exactly empathy? Over 200 years have passed since thinking people began attempting to comprehend the general phenomena in which one person changes their ideas or feelings as a result of observing another. The question is “Is being empathic


Shows/Series that Perfectly Portray Mental Health Issues

Mental health is something that should always be taken seriously. People might seemingly be happy, but you don’t know the battles they would be fighting every day and not showing it. One way to represent mental health and its importance


More Than Meets The Eye: Why Awareness of Invisible Illnesses Is Important

It can be easy to assume, particularly when meeting new people, that if someone looks ‘healthy’ and able-bodied, that they are. But this is not always the case and it can be a dangerous and unfair assumption with serious consequences.


3 Effective Strategies for Maximizing Profit in Your Child Care Center

Child care centres are profitable, but the competition is high. In 2023, there were a total of 92,786 licensed centers in the U.S. That’s a 1.3% increase from 2022 when there were 91,582 daycare centers in the country.  With so


Madras HC Orders State to Provide Lifelong Care for 20-Year-Old with Bipolar Disorder

The Madras High Court’s Madurai Bench has ordered the State government to take custody of a 20-year-old man with bipolar disorder and provide him with suitable housing and lifelong medical care. The young man’s father, a daily wage earner, had