Search Results for : abusive relationships
Crime Social

Are Violence in Online Platforms Fueling Real-World Crime?

Imagine a small town where everyone knows each other. Life here is usually quiet and peaceful, with little crime to speak of. But one day, things take a dark turn when a series of incidents begin to unfold. Someone starts


The Psychology behind Scapegoating

The history of the word “scapegoat” begins way back in the 16th century, when the Jewish community placed their sins onto the described ritual animal in preparation for Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. A key part of Yom Kippur,

Awareness Parenting

Paving the Way for Gender-Neutral Parenting and Acceptance in Society

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it counts.” This quote given by a prominent activist, Barbara Gittings, who worked towards the cause of acceptance of the


The Art of Creating Healthy Boundaries with Parents

Building boundaries with your parents is a challenging process as it is like cutting a few branches of a tree to build your shelter upon it. As children most of us live with our parents and we are compelled to


Exploring Trauma Dumping: Impact and Coping Strategies

People have a variety of stress reactions following a traumatic event, including “trauma dumping.” Trauma dumping, often referred to as emotional dumping, is when someone inappropriately and excessively communicates their painful experiences or emotional suffering with others, frequently without taking

Life Style

The Grey Rock Method for Dealing with Narcissists

Grey rocking can be an effective technique to encourage a manipulative or abusive person to behave around you if they’re someone you can’t avoid, like a toxic coworker or a narcissistic ex with whom you have a child. To “grey


What is Abnormal psychology? Meaning, history, and Theoretical perspectives

The study of psychopathology and abnormal conduct, or the thought, emotion, and behavior patterns that may indicate a mental health issue, is known as abnormal psychology. The phrase encompasses a wide range of problems, including personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),


Forensic Psychology vs Criminal Psychology

“Oh, hey, you’re pursuing psychology, right? That means you must be able to read minds!” Awkward silence takes over, “Umm, not really”. Despite popular myths and misconceptions, psychology is a scientific field that deals with the study of an individual’s


Ghosting and Dark Psychology

The beauty of social media and the internet is that it helps us connect to so many people all across the globe at any given hour. Now let us look at the other side of this coin. Imagine you are

Self Help

Family Manipulation Tactics and How to Deal with Them

Every day, we see many attempts to manipulate those around us. But not everyone uses the same strategies when doing so; some will cry or beg, some will threaten, and some will provide praise. Furthermore, the nature and quality of