Search Results for : Behaviors

Psychology behind Productivity

Man has a natural tendency to be lazy when it comes to work and more often than not, it is the circumstances of the individual wherein he is obligated to work. The developmental process of the society is hindered due


The Psychology Behind Success-Oriented Mindset

The phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” reminds you how great successes require patience, time and effort. Now, there exist two types of beliefs regarding this concept. One of the beliefs is that success is achievable. Whereas, the other


The Psychology Behind Rebound Sex

After going through a breakup, you must have received conflicting advice on whether or not to begin a new romantic relationship. On account of modern relationships and fleeting connections, your friends will often tell you not to enter a new

Motivation Positive

Post Achievement Depression

Achievement is an amazing thing. It’s the result of a great deal of perseverance, hard work, constant efforts, and frequently overcoming challenges. We’re trained to pursue it, work for it, and most of all, relish it when we do. In


The Solo Path: Navigating the World as an Only Child

As you already know, A single child also known as an only child is a person with no siblings. Historically, there weren’t many parents with a single child. Certain families had up to ten children, as family planning was not


The 5 Anger Languages in Relationship

Anger is a human emotion that comes out when a person feels betrayed, harmed or disrespected. According to Charles Spielberger, Anger is “an emotional state that varies from mild irritation to intense rage.”  When two people love each other they


What Is The Psychological Impact Of Socioeconomic Status?

Socioeconomic popularity (SES) is a fundamental determinant of individuals’ access to assets, opportunities, and social aid networks. Similar to its tangible consequences on material wealth and social reputation, SES profoundly influences the mental health of individuals and intellectual health. This

Self Help

Psychology Behind Habit Stacking

Trying to modify old behaviours or introduce new ones—and have them stick—is famously tough. Of course, some people appear to acquire behaviours quickly or with great discipline, but for the rest of us being just mere mortals, finding an efficient


Thrive, Don’t Just Survive: The Power of Therapy in Everyday Life

Therapy can be appropriately defined as a therapeutic alliance- a relationship- that you develop with your therapist over some time. This alliance is essential for the individual to explore his/her innermost experiences of emotions, thoughts, experiences and so on. These

Awareness Health

How to Make the Best Use of Mental Health Consultations in Long-Term Care

Managing behaviours in the nursing home setting can be exhausting for caregivers. It is estimated that up to 90 per cent of patients with dementia will be agitated at some point. Up to 72 per cent may be depressed. Often