Search Results for : depression

Effects of Postpartum Depression on Children

Effects of Postpartum Depression on Children Postpartum depression (PPD) is sometimes experienced by mothers after the birth of their child. It is common to experience its symptoms in the first year after childbirth. However, some women are more at risk


Depression is a burden to the Global Economy

Health authorities express concern about the rising prevalence of social isolation among individuals. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said that there is a strong connection between feelings of loneliness and sadness. Isolation and social disconnection increase the likelihood of

Health News

Exercise can both treat and prevent postpartum depression: Study

According to a recent study, moderate aerobic exercise can both prevent and alleviate postpartum depression. This week’s meta-analysis, which looked at data from 26 research involving over 2,800 participants, revealed that aerobic exercise is a useful preventive and therapeutic measure


What is social depression?

Depression is classified as a mood disorder. It can be defined as emotions that conflict with a person’s day-to-day activities, such as grief, loss, or rage. Depression vs Grief Though depression and grief share some features, depression is different from


12 Commonly Asked Questions about Depression

Depression is a common but serious disorder. The American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization define depression as a mood disorder that involves intense feelings of sadness, irritability, emptiness, and hopelessness. A person loses interest in activities they once enjoyed.


Blood Test Differentiates Depression from Bipolar: Study

Roughly 1% of people have bipolar disorder (BD), however, the condition is commonly misdiagnosed; 40% of BD patients are initially given the wrong diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD), which affects up to 80 million people worldwide. Overlapping symptoms may


Habits to Help in Avoiding Depression

Depression is a type of mood illness that results in a chronically depressing and uninteresting state. Variously referred to as clinical depression or major depressive disorder, it has an impact on one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour and can result in


Postpartum Depression: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Baby blues is a term used to describe the temporary feelings of sadness, anxiety, or exhaustion that some women have after giving birth. For many women, the baby blues subside in a matter of days. If these feelings don’t go


Depression: Symptoms, Causes, Types and Treatment

Everyone has a basic understanding of the term depression. Sentences like “I had such a bad day today, I feel depressed” or “That movie is so sad, it makes me depressed” are very common to come by. But, it is


Childhood Depression: The Cryptic Essence

We have mostly understood depression as a state of low and negative mood experiences and thought patterns. It is a highly prevalent mental health condition that substantially impacts our capacity to engage in life experiences, including those within family and