Search Results for : anxiety

Frequently Asked Questions about Anxiety and GAD

1. What is Anxiety? American Psychological Association defines anxiety as an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worry, intrusive thoughts and even physical symptoms like headaches, increased blood pressure etc. Anxiety is never identical to fear. while anxiety is a


Anticipatory Anxiety: Meaning, Symptoms and How to cope

“I have a presentation tomorrow. I am so anxious if I would flunk it and would not do well”“The thought of having to take my entrance exams next week frightens the soul out of me”“What if he or she is


Anxiety: Symptoms, Causes and Intervention

Do you sometimes experience a sense of dread before a test or exam? Do you feel your heart race and your hands get clammy before an important interview or before you have to speak publicly? This looming sense of dread


Examination Anxiety, a Myth or Reality?

Imagine a classroom full of students just before an exam. You may see students displaying a variety of emotions and behaviors. They could feel nervous and anxious, which is very common for all of them. In short, they all are


How to help kids Overcome Math Anxiety

We all have must have dislike from to studying a particular as kids, which we don’t like at all. Disliking History, and becoming bored with English is something most people could find relatable dealing in childhood. However, there is one

Self Help

Living Beyond Anxiety: Empowering Yourself to Embrace Life Fully

Anxiety is an excessive and persistent feeling of tension and worry that influences the physical body by increasing heart rate, rapid breathing, higher blood pressure and feelings of tiredness. Physical symptoms of anxiety can also include dizziness, muscle aches, trembling,

Self Help

Have You Ever Felt Internship Anxiety?  

There are many people who do multiple internships through their school and college lives, there are also others who don’t do as much. Some people join their first internship when they are in grade 9, while others may join in

Life Style

High Consumption of Fried Food May Lead To Anxiety and Depression

We all like to eat fried food or we call it junk. Don’t we? But did you know that eating fried food can cause anxiety and depression? Isn’t it new This article talks about how eating fried food can cause

Awareness Health

Have you Ever Experienced Anxiety in Random Situations

Does it ever feel that you are out of breath or are sweating too much not because of physical activity but because of the multitude of thoughts running in your head? Do you feel that there is too much stress

Health News

The debunking of exam anxiety via Pariksha Pe Charcha

In today’s article, we will discuss the three P’s of the Exam Cycle viz., Pariksha Pe Charcha, Procrastination, and Pomodoro Technique. The board examinations of grade 10 and 12 conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is just