Search Results for : memory
Self Help

Setting up Reminders Can Reduce Our Cognitive Load

We all know setting up reminders is a great way to reduce cognitive load and free up our brain capacity for other important tasks and thoughts. As brains have a limited space for processing information and remembering everything we need


Reading Boosts Brain Size and Mental Well-being in Adolescents: Study

During childhood and adolescence, our brains undergo great changes that shape our cognitive abilities and overall brain health. One key aspect of this development is the formation of neural connections, which serve as the building blocks for information processing and


Deja Vu in Dreams: the Feeling of Reliving Past Experiences

Have you ever had a dream that seemed eerily similar to reality, as if you were reliving a previous event? Deja vu in dreams is a fascinating phenomena that raises intriguing concerns regarding the connection between dreaming and the experience


What is Age Regression? Understand its role in behavior 

Age regression can be defined as the therapeutic approach or process in which individuals revert to be a childlike or early developmental state of functioning, behaviour, or consciousness. It includes accessing and experiencing earlier memories, emotions, and perspectives from a


From Job Loss to Mental Distress: Unemployment Impacts on Mental Health

After the pandemic, the unemployment problem increased drastically. As the pandemic hit it not only affected the physical health being at home, or the mental health due to isolation but also affected the financial status of individuals. Many people who


Psychology of Habits: Understanding Habitual Behavior

In psychology, we describe habits as behaviours that people learn and then automatically and repeatedly engage in. And over time, it becomes relatively stable. Habits are often characterized by their automaticity, as they occur without conscious awareness or effort. They


How do we Maintain Good Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives, crucial for our physical health, cognitive function, emotional well-being, and even our psychological health. However, in today’s fast-paced world, many individuals neglect the importance of sleep hygiene, leading to sleep disturbances and


Psychological Changes after the Death of a loved one

Shakespeare mentioned the seven stages of life in one of his poems. The seven stages include infant, schoolchild, teenage, young man, middle age, old age, and death. All of us experience these stages in our course of life and all


Ovarian Cancer Early Detection & the Effect on Mental Wellbeing

Today let’s look at an important topic that affects women across the globe! Wondering what we are talking about? Well, imagine a group of troublesome cells inside a woman’s ovaries causing chaos. You are right, that’s ovarian cancer! It occurs


What is cognitive health? Understand its role in our life

Cognitive health can be defined as the overall state of an individual’s cognitive functions, which include memory, attention, perception, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. It is an important aspect of overall well-being and plays a fundamental role in everyday functioning, personal