Search Results for : workplace
Self Help

What is Thinking About Emotions and How It Can Help you

Emotions are more than just feelings. But how exactly are they more than just feelings? We assign words to emotions and we have a subjective experience. We grow up developing an idea of emotions. We learn words such as happy,


Need for Psychologists in the Maritime Industry

From counselling, training to psychometrics; there is a great need for psychologists and mental health professionals to involve in the marine industry. Almost all the countries live import some of its basic requirements for its day to day living. Grains,


LGBT Inclusion in Organization

On 6 September 2018, the Supreme Court scrapped a colonial-era ban and ruled that Section 377 is unconstitutional as it infringed on the fundamental rights of autonomy, intimacy and identity, thus legalising homosexuality in India. The majority of organizations showed


So how you want your child to choose a career? Choice Vs Aptitude

The first question asked by any relative just after asking the names is “what are you doing these days/ what plans do you have for the future/ what do you want to be?” they pressure the poor soul into knowing

Self Help

Perception: The Art of Creativity

“Perception is merely a reality filtered through the prism of your soul.” – Christopher A. Ray John Locke, an enlightenment thinker, with the help of his experiments made it clear that the perception involves dozens of the mechanism for actively


Balancing the wheel of our life

Balancing the wheel of life refers to create a balance in our professional life and personal life. The term Work-life balance is used to describe the balance between work obligations and personal responsibilities. It was coined to address the unhealthy


Understand peer pressure: Inculcate good habits

The peers usually refer to the group of people whom we share similar likes, dislikes and interests. It can be any group like a group of students at school, college, and university or at a coaching institute. We spend quality