Search Results for : memory

The Positive Impact of Gyming on Mental Health: Strengthening Body and Mind

In today’s world which consists of fast-paced life from running here and there for jobs, college, and even for everyday groceries there is a rush or everything. Technological advancement has created a way for a lifestyle that is lethargic and


The Signs and Symptoms of Psychosis: How Does Psychosis Develop

Psychosis is an acute state in which a person experiences hallucinations and delusions. It develops gradually and people suffer a huge deal from this disorder. There are a lot of reasons by psychosis takes place ranging from biological, genetic, and


The Magic of Good Memories on Mood Alleviation

The poet John Keats popularised the expression “Moments big as years,” which relates to moments in time that are so strong and vivid that they stick with us for the rest of our lives. Typically, these instances represent emotionally impactful

Self Help

Emotional Intelligence, the Effects and the Difference between IQ and EQ

We all know about IQ, which is the intelligence quotient, but intelligence is not only about academics, or perfect scores in tests, etc. There is also a type of intelligence which is known as emotional intelligence. What exactly is this


What is Savant Syndrome? Types, and link with some mental disorders

The word savant means an individual who has an extraordinary aptitude in a particular field and is distinguished among others, despite having impairment in social functioning or intellectual functioning. This aptitude can be in fields like music, mathematics, etc. Savant


Understanding The Basic Structure of the Brain

Brain! The thinking center of the body. This complex organ regulates our body’s thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, respiration, temperature, hunger, and other processes. Its intricate structure and mind-bending functions have left scientists scratching their heads (pun intended)


Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Thinking

Do you frequently forget something you’re quite sure about? Is it challenging to focus on difficult and complex assignments? Do you sleep fewer than six hours every night? If so, you most likely don’t get enough sleep. Yes, in fact


New Research on Babies Brain: Trusting Others’ Eyes!

Children are often seen as self-centered, and there’s a good reason for it. Egocentrism means that young children tend to focus on themselves. And have a hard time understanding things from other people’s perspectives. For example, when a 3-year-old tries to


New Finding: Dementia Patients Retain Learning Abilities!

Dementia is a brain disorder that causes memory, thinking, and behaviour issues. It is not a specific disease but a collection of symptoms caused by many brain problems. Misconceptions regarding dementia still exists. And this leads people to believe that


Study Noises and Their Link with ADHD

In our surrounding world, we listen to several types of sounds, music, and noises. These noises have become an integral part of our lives. We are so used to hearing them that we do not even recognize that they are