Search Results for : Behaviors

How Can You Maintain The Motivation To Work During A Pandemic?

While the COVID-19 pandemic has forced people around the world to new adaptations socially, financially and physically, one of the hardest adaptations has been to work from home. Safety restrictions prohibit going to work and employees have been forced to

Awareness Research Therapy

What Is In The Mind?

Human mind comprises of Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious states. Famous Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud came up with the concept of the state of mind. Sigmund Freud is the founder of ‘Psychoanalytic Theory’. His ideas and discoveries were shocking to the people


What Relation Does Humans And Animals Share?

Just like humans, there are other creatures that live on the planet earth. Not all of them come in contact with humans but still they do exist and yes they are animals. Human-Animal Connection and Abuse have a relationship that

Awareness Health Research Social

Reckless Driving: The Dread of the Indian Roads?

Reckless driving is a major concern in the Indian society. According to the National Health Portal, India witnessed 1,51,417 deaths due to Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) in 2018. Out of these deaths, 97,588 deaths were caused due to over-speeding, and

Relationship Self Help

How Does Your Attachment Style Affect Your Relationship?

Attachment is a deep emotional bond that connects two people. John Bowlby, the father of the attachment theory, said that attachment aids in survival because making strong emotional bonds is an important part of human nature. Human beings form their


Why There Is Romanticizing of Mental Disorders?

People have misunderstood and greatly stigmatised mental illnesses for a very long time. People have had mental health issues for long but awareness about the same has always been very superficial. In the beginning, it was the lack of recognition of the symptoms, and then the notion that it’s not normal. This


Why do we rely on online apps to seek love?

It is not a new trend that has established. There has been a considerable amount of time and experiences. Virtual world has opened so many new doors that have been taking humans to different roads of experiences and perceptions. Online


What Are The Cognitive-Moral Perspectives Regarding The Current Scenario Of Education At Schools In India?

In the dynamics of the contemporary world, it can be seen that the functioning across many areas are conventional. This conventional approach plays a major role where they are equally beneficial and detrimental in some sense due to their inherent


What Is Goal Setting And What Do We Learn From It?

We all have some expectation from the work we do, the amount of hard work, time and effort that it invested is valued and it is not just restricted to these things. There are many people who are involved in

Awareness Self Help

Attitude: What is the way of living in the world?

We humans, we live on the planet of Earth which has various characteristics which made life possible and sustainable for the living beings. In this world there are organisms that are living and have distinction on the bias of their