Search Results for : personality disorder


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month is celebrated in the month of September in order to spread awareness about the disorders, their associated taboo, and stigma. PCOS is very prevalent in today’s generation of ladies, characterized by conditions occurring due


Life with Autism

Imagine a day in life when everything seems so hazy, meeting people becomesso weird that when they joke around you, and there are you, unable to make it out what itmeans and everything becomes so slow and dumb. Unfortunately, it

Awareness Health


#beingfragile My boyfriend explaining my OCD (neatly stacked books on a shelf) “I want someone who would kiss my scars and love me anyway” How OCD are you? #anxiety queen Silence is the most powerful scream. Cute but psycho Pretty

Awareness Education

Psychological Essentialism

A research paper by Vasilyeva, Gopnik, and Lombrozon (2018) on the development of structural thinking about social categories begins with a popular cognitive bias we all have. Most of us believe that boys prefer blue color and girls prefer pink

Awareness Health Relationship

Significance of play in Child’s life

When we envision the picture of a child, the canvas is often filled with the colors of innocence, purity, play, mischievousness, etc. To imagine children without play is near impossible and it is this aspect of the child’s life, which


What Is The Reality of Psychology?

Psychology since its inception has come a long way. From surgical operations to conducting behavioural experiments on animals and humans alike, psychologists/psychiatrists have done it all. In recent times, the significance on mental health is increasing rapidly. There is constantly

Awareness Education Health Self Help

Why Is There A Need To Stop Stigmatisation Of Therapy?

Today’s society is a modern society which came a long way ahead giving up all those various stereotypes and taboos against numerous things and communities which used to reside in our society in earlier times, however there is one thing

Awareness Motivation Research Social

What Is Vague Booking Through The Lens Of EEG?

The contemporary era of the Post-Millennial generation focuses on the use of social media that dominates this framework, where the unprecedented clutch of this effervescent trend is being constantly endorsed through several means. The phenomenon of vague booking is not

Awareness Technology

How safe is playing PUBG for your Mental Health?

In a study done for 4-years, researchers found that adolescents/adults who play video games that involve high risk-taking and violence are more likely to get engaged in violent activities and risky behaviour. They also exhibit a low score on anger

Awareness Crime

Why are Prisons turning into places with Dark Secrets?

A prison is a place of difficult times and the world doesn’t care because it is the devil’s retreat. To put the argument in a wider perspective we should try and replay the wartime stories in our heads. Wartime stories