Search Results for : Behaviors
Awareness Social

Young people in the changing world and their mental health.

    The youth in the present age is a powerful asset required for the abundant energy of the country and the overall development of the country. The role of youth is essential to shape the future of its country. India’s

Awareness Education

Learning through Surroundings

Being a Passionate Student of Psychology, it has always been my passion to observe a subject in different situations. And kids have always been my favorite subject. Today, taking note of one such hobby, I noted a very odd behavior.

Awareness Education

Humanity: Just a product of civilization?

Tracing back the history of humans existence, we go back to the stone age- back to million years ago where survival was the only motive of life and as Darwin stated ‘survival of the fittest’. Human behavior was quite different

Awareness Education

Psychological Essentialism

A research paper by Vasilyeva, Gopnik, and Lombrozon (2018) on the development of structural thinking about social categories begins with a popular cognitive bias we all have. Most of us believe that boys prefer blue color and girls prefer pink


Sexual abuse, types and related disorders

There are and have been some acts that inflict a disturbing level of mental and physical trauma but their comprehension goes beyond that. There has been categorization established by the society and norms related to those things have also been

Awareness Education Health


 CONVERSION THERAPY   A Past and Present Perspective     Homosexuality. Bisexuality. Transsexuality. Intersexuality. Asexuality. Pansexuality. Skoliosexuality.   These sexual orientations are asynchronous to the conjectures of the society and hence were abhorred and regarded as diseases, illnesses, and disorders

Awareness Health

Counseling approach to change behavior more helpful than looking for the root cause

Counseling approach to change behavior more helpful than looking for the root cause   Looking at our traditional psychological therapeutic practices that long back to psychodynamic psychotherapies by Freud, there has always been a major emphasis on generating insight into

Awareness Motivation

Psychological Grim Realities of Happiness: The Negativity Surrounding the Positivity

Psychological Grim Realities of Happiness: The Negativity Surrounding the Positivity   “Happiness” – undoubtedly the most desired feeling of this world that is why it was always an area of interest by psychologists.  Recently it has been pointed out by

Awareness Education Health Self Help

Covid-19: Is Behavioural Science The Key To Handle The Pandemic?

In the challenging times of Covid-19, every person is suffering from one thing or the other. Be it financial loss, health problems or work related stress. We are surrounded by uncertainty regarding almost everything in our lives. Our lives have

Awareness Health Positive

What Is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Is he weird? He doesn’t hold eye contact! He is a genius but he hardly communicate maybe he is too proud of himself! Why is he/she is so dissociated with reality? Why doesn’t this person understand logic and diplomacy? Calls