Search Results for : memories

Effect of travelling on Psychology

Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. – Miriam Beard One of the questions we often think is what exactly makes us to wander?

Self Help

Where have you laid your happiness line?

Walking top ‘f wet grass on footGazing at those glitters on sky,Thinking ’bout my next dine to root Dancing, singing my heart so high. Wandering inside riddled barksScreaming and Scaring that stout rat,Sleeping on mud clothed rocksNo riches, to drink


Friendships for life

Friends –is fun, the word itself brings memories, sweet and not so sweet but a relationship that is, very inevitable part of our lives. Especially in our growing up years with family and school, college and career, friends become an

Self Help

How can you control overthinking. Suggestions are here

Thinking is good, but overthinking I can’t agree more to this statement. We see people who take things very lightly and there are also people, who just over-do or overthink. Sometimes, we continue replaying things that we should have done

Self Help

What is Thinking About Emotions and How It Can Help you

Emotions are more than just feelings. But how exactly are they more than just feelings? We assign words to emotions and we have a subjective experience. We grow up developing an idea of emotions. We learn words such as happy,


Crying: A female thing

When we think of crying, we often have a very vivid image and associated feelings in our mind. It feels as if the world just stopped; everything gets dreary, blurry and looped up in shades of grey; our nose joins


The Funeral Rituals and its Psychological Effect on Individuals

To a living organism, life is the most important thing which starts at birth and ends with death. In the case of human beings, between both of these phases, they go through several developmental stages, from which they learn many


The Lure of Yesteryear’s

Often we sit and reminisce in the old times. As a professor, I often find these conversations going on in the staff room. “Do you remember the Kulfi waala who used to visit the street during scorching afternoon hours of


Wiring of an anxious brain and how to rewire it

Try to remember the time when you had to face an interview, appear for an important exam or give a presentation and notice everything that you were experiencing in your body and in your mind. All the situations mentioned above


How does Fragrances work on Human Psyche?

Perfumes and essential oils have been associated to pleasure and happiness since ages. It used to be a luxury of the elites of the distant past. Though the concept of the use of aroma for therapeutic purposes exists since first