Search Results for : Behaviors
Awareness Health

Do you know what actually bipolar disorder is?

Think about having a shift in mood from extremely high to grief suddenly. Recently an individual who was suffering from bipolar disorder talked about what it actually looks like. Due to the erroneous representation of this mood disorder in movies

Awareness Health

Not Just for Crazy People

“Ugh, I’m fine. I’m not suffering. And even if I am, I’m not in any measure crazy?! Plus, I surely ain’t going to tell my problems to a random stranger.” All individuals live their lives and deal with environments differently,

Awareness Health

Life of a Narcissist: Grandiosity or self inflation?

Narcissism is mainly defined as an inflated sense of self-esteem which can be understood in simple terms as somebody being deprived of love and affection in their childhood home environment which led them to low self-esteem and lack of empathy.

Relationship Social

Online Dating Cause and effect

Well, as it’s the year 2022, it’s no secret that almost everyone who is/was single recently has tried the online dating game. Each one of us, if not tried it, has a friend who definitely is on it. Specially, in

Awareness Health Positive

Know About the Types of Therapies: A Way to Get a Better Well Being

People seek therapies for various reasons. These include current circumstances, long-standing problems, and chronic problems, to search for personal growth and happiness, and also to get an insight in their life. Psychological treatment aims at reducing abnormal behavior by psychological

Health News Positive

Replacing 30 Minutes of social media With Exercise Can Improve Mental Health

People began spending more time than usual on social media during the COVID era to get their minds off of the lockdown, isolation, worry, and helplessness they were feeling. Because of this, some people have developed unhealthy dependencies on various

Awareness Education

Forensic Psychology: Career Options and Other Information About It

Forensic psychology is an interesting and relatively newer field of applied psychology mainly categorized as a combination of psychology and law. It predominantly focuses on people, evidence, and risks, and takes cognizance of the offensive acts committed by people. It

Crime News

The Tale of Drug Addicts Behind the Bars in Punjab

In spite of the stringent actions taken by government officials, the state of Punjab remains a slave to the menace of drug addiction. The easy availability of drugs accounts for most drug addiction-related deaths that continue to haunt the state.

Health News Social

Changing Phases of The Moon and Their Effect on Women’s Mental Health

Humans have been tracing the moon since time immemorial and have associated several phenomena related to physical and mental health with different phases of the moon. The moon holds an auspicious position according to Indian traditions as well and is

Health News Positive

What Is Dyslexia, How It Affects Children’s Mental Health

About Dyslexia: Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder and a predominantly learning disability characterized by a difficulty in reading and writing as a result of individual differences in the part of the brain responsible for language processing. Although no real reason