Search Results for : substance abuse

The Integral Role of Rehabilitation Psychology

Jai was a 23-year-old, graduate, cricketer with the dream of becoming the part of Indian team, the cricket star until meeting with vehicular accident left him with limb amputation. For days after he was in a daze and his parents


Radhika Gupta posted her concern about depression in Youngsters

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the 21st century. A lot of adults, young adults, elderly people even nowadays children suffer from depression. Among young adults, the rate of developing depression is quite high. To

Awareness Self Help

What’s the Difference Between a Psychopaths and a Sociopaths?

You’ve probably heard the words psychopaths and sociopaths. They are commonly misinterpreted to characterize people who lack empathy, disdain norms, are unconcerned about the rights of others, have aggressive inclinations, and never feel sorry. While sociopathy and psychopathy are not


Pune Car Crash: A Psycho-developmental Interpretation

The Pune car crash incident is all over the internet. On May 19, A seventeen-year-old teenager was driving over 200 mph while drunk, causing the death of two engineers in the crash. Both of them were engineers driving on a


Understanding The Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Model

Have you ever faced a serious case of procrastination? You are faced with a challenging project at work or school, and instead of focusing all your attention on the task at hand, you find yourself procrastinating and thus avoiding the


Children of blue-collar workers in India face higher risks of depression and anxiety

Key Points: In India, there is a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds, and many people work blue-collar jobs. These jobs, which include roles in manufacturing, construction, maintenance, and similar fields, can bring about specific challenges that affect the well-being of

Self Help

Understanding the Mother Wound and Its Impact on Well-Being

Mothers, who are often represented as the primary caregivers for their children, are known for the unconditional love they have for their kids. We often associate the mother-child relationship with traits like trust, empathy, nurture and comfort that help in


National Annual Conference of Society of Addiction Psychology will highlight new Advancements in Addiction

The 3rd National Conference of the Society of Addiction Psychology is organized by the Department of Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychology and Research at the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (Divyangjan), Dehradun. Substance Abuse Disorder (SAD) is


What are Nocturnal Panic Attacks?

Have you ever experienced a sudden overwhelming fear that lasted for several minutes? Where your heart is pounding, you sweat profusely, and feel like you can’t breathe, at night when you are asleep? Then you might be experiencing a nocturnal panic


What is Nervous System Dysregulation?

There are several stimuli in our environment. Our reactions to the environment are based on our interaction and communication with the stimuli in it. The nervous system, one of the most complex systems in the human body, is responsible for