Search Results for : romantic relationships

How Toxic Relationships Affect Our Mental Health

In our day-to-day lives, we interact with a lot of people. Some are our friends, family, strangers, boss, relatives, etc. These interactions and connections to some people are relationships. Relationships help us understand the other person and our own self.


How To Deal With Unhealthy Relationships

LET’S CONSIDER TWO SITUATIONS : SITUATION 1 If a person(A) loves the plants(B) then, s/he will take care of B, and will make sure to take care of plants in any circumstance. They will water them up daily, will understand

Awareness Relationship Self Help

What kind of negative impact can toxic relationships have on our lives?

Throughout our lives, we encounter different kinds of people and form different bonds and relationships with them be it friendship, rivalry or romantic relationship. Social interaction for human being is an essential part of life, it not only helps us


Sustainable relationships require boundaries

“Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices” –Gerard Manley Hopkins A relationship tends to be fruitful only when it contributes to the growth of a better self. For relationships to survive, specific


The Psychology Behind Infatuation

Infatuation and love are two powerful emotions that often feel similar but have vastly different foundations. Infatuation is an intense and fleeting attraction that overwhelms the senses. It is often driven by physical desires and the idealization of the other

Awareness Health

Understanding and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: A Comprehensive Guide

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon characterized by persistent feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy despite evident success or accomplishments. Individuals experiencing imposter syndrome often dismiss their achievements as luck or attribute them to external factors rather than acknowledging their own


Love Addiction: The Fine Line Between Passion and Obsession

Nowadays various factors like media, and cultures, portray love as beautiful and as a strong force but just think what happens when it becomes an unhealthy obsession? Imagine just starting a day by thinking about a person who may not

Life Style

8 Things to say When Someone Gaslights you

Person A: Gaslighting? Oh….lighting the stove before cooking?Person B: HaHaHa…..that’s funny. Well, its a psychological tactic, or a trick you may say…..Person A: Oh….haven’t heard of it before…..Person B: Yeah….. It has been a few years that this word is


From Devdas to Diversity: Ditching the Madonna-Whore Myth in Modern Love

Devdas is a man in love with Paro, a beautiful woman whom he and society see positively as an individual. She is portrayed as the ideal, virtuous woman who loves Devdas deeply. But then comes Chandramukhi, a courtesan who brings Devdas

Relationship Self Help

Spotting Manipulation: How to Protect Yourself and Set Boundaries

Have you ever felt that you are a puppet and someone else is pulling your strings? — whether someone is making you do things or stopping you from doing something? Manipulation is never easily visible or detectable like coercion, the