Search Results for : psychotic disorders

Are you being rude or is it ADHD?

Have anyone ever complained to you that you interrupt and intrude on other people too often or that you don’t pay attention to what they are saying? Or that you talk excessively and seem to have difficulty waiting for your

Awareness Health

Have You Ever Woken up Because of a Bad Dream?

Often, we happen to relive our memories in our dreams. Dreams are considered a sort of a portal to the past. If there was a time machine it would probably work the same way. Some people like to revisit their

Health News

How is mental health affected by hypersomnia, know its causes and remedies

While talking about sleeping and waking disorders, insomnia has always taken the centre stage, which leaves less room for the condition of hypersomnia to be studied and discussed. Hypersomnia is a condition where the individual suffering from the disorder struggles

Awareness Education Health

The Truth about Cannabis

The Truth About Cannabis Cannabis, marijuana, ganja, weed, hash, CBD are some of the terms that we have been hearing in media for quite some time now. Well, we all know that they are drugs but do you know that

Awareness Health

What is Schizophrenia?

I still remember my internship days done during my post-graduation. There was visible excitement, exchange of ideas, thoughts regarding various disorders but what bound all of us together was the curiosity to hear and understand patients who were suffering from


Psychology behind Apophenia: Fine Line Between Insight and Illusion

Ramesh used to invest a lot of money in the stock market and he was earning a lot of profit from it. Soon, this made him overconfident and consequently, he started making bold decisions. One such time, he studied the


The Connection Between Obesity and Mental Health

Obesity is a worldwide public health crisis that affects millions of people around the globe. It is connected with many physical health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Nevertheless, Obesity’s effects go far beyond mere


The Psychology behind the case of Jack The Ripper

Trigger Warning: Sensitive Information in the Article, might be disturbing to some Readers Who is Jack the Ripper? Jack the Ripper was a man who murdered about 5 women in 1888 and turned out to be the biggest fear of


Ketamine and Depression: How Are They Connected

Ketamine therapy has emerged as a pioneering therapeutic approach in the field of psychology, providing fresh hope to people suffering from mental diseases. This article dives into the many facets of ketamine treatment, including its effectiveness, mechanisms of action, and


What is Night Eating Syndrome?

Night-eating syndrome is an eating condition characterized by disturbed sleep. Night-eating syndrome leads people to wake up in the middle of the night to eat, which can lead to poor sleep quality and a variety of chronic health concerns, including