Search Results for : psychology
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The Psychology Behind Comfort Food

“Mom I am having a bad time at my workplace, I am not able to adapt to the situation here, I used to like food served at my workplace but right now I am craving the homely rajma chawal made


Psychology Behind Inequality

Conversations about inequality in the present world, as you may have seen, are taking a gradual surge in different political, economic and social dimensions. These talks have always been an ingrained part of society. Once merely hushed whispers, they have


The Psychology Behind the Case of John Wayne Gacy: Pogo the Clown

Trigger Warning: The contents of this article can be Disturbing for some individuals John Wayne Gacy is regarded as one of the most notorious serial killers in the history of America. Due to his evil methods of committing violence and


Mere Exposure Effect in Psychology

The mere exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon whereby human beings tend to develop a choice for matters or humans that might be similar to others. It increases familiarity. This impact is therefore also referred to as the familiarity effect. 

Life Style

Psychology Behind Makeup

We all know somebody who is obsessed with makeup, or it can be you as well, they know all the new brands, the new products, their application, uses, et cetera. Those people have this kind of addiction of trying on


The Integral Role of Rehabilitation Psychology

Jai was a 23-year-old, graduate, cricketer with the dream of becoming the part of Indian team, the cricket star until meeting with vehicular accident left him with limb amputation. For days after he was in a daze and his parents


The Psychology of Bodily Kinaesthetics: Harmonizing Body and Mind

You’d be amazed to know the number of people who are well aware about aesthetics but have no idea at all about kinaesthetic. This article will help you distinguish yourself from that group. Let’s begin by knowing what do we mean by


Psychology Behind Patriotism

In India, Patriotism is considered a sacred virtue. We almost Worship our Freedom Fighters and hold them high in honour. For us, they are a reminder of our love for our country and the freedom we owe to them for

Life Style

10 Subtle Signs of Highly Creative People, According to Psychology 

The creator of the famous Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh described himself as a “man of great passions.” With a diagnosis of a mental illness, he was oscillating between manic and depressive episodes. He sometimes experiences episodes where he is


 The Psychology Behind Fences and Boundaries

When talking about “boundaries” with respect to relationships, they are more like physical boundaries such as fences around properties. A yard can have a fence for instance. Among its various uses, however; such as being used as a barrier to