Search Results for : productivity

Long-Term Effects of Childhood Neglect on Adult Mental Health

Childhood is a crucial time when emotional, psychological, and social well-being is shaped for the future. Many challenges can affect a child’s development, and one of the most harmful forms of abuse is neglect. Unlike physical abuse, which often leaves

Awareness Health

Understanding Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Every day, we are under stress. Stress affects people of all ages significantly and has a major impact on how they perform on a daily basis. We should ideally have eustress, which is a healthy level of stress that motivates


Digital Solutions to Sleep, no longer a Dream!

Sleep Problems have the potential to become the next Mental Pandemic considering their strikingly high global prevalence in the past decade. Scientific evidence suggests that the prevalence of ‘sleeplessness’ is as high as 50-60% amongst slightly older adults, females and


How Flexible Work Hours Can Improve Mental Health

Imagine a workplace where you are no longer constantly exhausted from the inflexible 9 to 5 schedule and your productivity is not defined by the clock. Flexible hours offer an individual the freedom to align their personal and professional life


How to Boost Employee Morale and Satisfaction: Psychologist Speaks

Maintaining employee morale and motivation has become more critical in today’s dynamic and highly competitive business environment. As companies face fierce competition and the need to constantly adapt to rapid changes, a motivated workforce is the backbone of success. High


Responsibility vs Accountability: Is Responsibility Enough?

Take responsibility! Does this phrase ring a bell? The word “responsibility”- has been shoved down our throats throughout our lives. Be it our parents, teachers or even sometimes neighbours. Whenever we made a mistake, we were given the old “stop


Modern Day Workplaces and Dehumanization

“Study hard now and you will enjoy your life later when you get a good job.” We grow up hearing this one phrase our entire lives. Life will be good after this exam, life will be good after I get

Awareness Health

Urban Noise Pollution: Effects on Mental Health and Well-Being

Life in a city has both pros and cons, it provides efficiency as well as negatively impacts on mental health of people. On the one hand, it offers plenty of job opportunities, loaded with entertainment, and lots to explore. On


10 Effective Strategies to Battle Procrastination, According to Psychology

“I promise, just two more minutes.” We mutter to our alarm as we desperately try to avoid starting another hectic day. Our day begins with procrastination, so it is quite easy to imagine that it probably ends with it as

Awareness Self Help

The Impact of Digital Overuse and the Benefits of a Tech Detox

From morning to evening, Sunday to Saturday, the whole year, we spend most of the time with our mobile phone, laptop, Television, or monitor. Can you tell a whole day, you spend with your surroundings, family, friends, or nature? We