Search Results for : panic

Transgenerational Trauma and Patriarchy

Looking at the world today, troubled with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression which are the most common, millennials often do not understand where these issues are coming from. The common questions often tainted with detest and aversive

Life Style Motivation

10 Characteristics of Adaptable and Happy People, According to Psychology

Stephen Hawkins (1942- 2018) is one of the most successful scientists in the world without whom much about the universe would have stayed a mystery (Preskill, 2018). At the tender age of 21, he faced the biggest setback of his

Education Self Help

Examination Anxiety: Doubts Kill the Will

Exam anxiety is the experience of feeling an intense moment of fear or panic before or during an exam/ assessment. Little anxiety is normal and even sometimes helpful to stay mentally and physically alert. Examination Anxiety is a combination of

Self Help Therapy

How do you know if therapy is working?

Taking therapy is appreciable, it helps you to know yourselves helps to dig into your inner thoughts and feelings and also helps to know your strengths and weaknesses. It also requires your side’s support to make changes and self-development. Unlike


What to do if You Can’t Afford Therapy Anymore? 

Financial problems can come knocking at any time. One can say it’s as predictable as rain, you may or may not see it coming. Financial problems cause stress that leads to poor mental health, which leads to the need for


Understanding Primal Therapy: A Clear Path to Emotional Healing

In a world where we try to suppress our true emotions to maintain social decorum, imagine a therapeutic journey that unlocks our deep-rooted emotional pain from early life experiences. This therapy is called primal therapy. In the era dominated by

Self Help

How to Deal with Emotional Flooding, According to Psychologists

Can you remember a time when you experienced too many emotions, so much so that they seemed to fill up your throat, your body being flooded with them? Well, let’s learn what this emotional flooding phenomenon is, and how to

Awareness Self Help

The Psychology of Dangerous Behaviour

The mind in its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven. By-John Milton, Poet Our minds can be unpredictable which can lead to us taking dangerous actions, that are unethical, scary and


Psychosocial disability 

You may have encountered individuals with mental illnesses who seem to function normally—they go to work every day and communicate effectively. Conversely, you may have also seen people with depression and other mental health issues who struggle to maintain that


Understanding Atelophobia: The Fear of Imperfection and How to Overcome It

An intense fear of imperfection, where individuals tend to harshly judge themselves for being not perfect and set unachievable goals. This may sound like one of the symptoms of OCD but it is called Atelophobia. Let’s learn the causes, symptoms,