Search Results for : neurological disorder

Capgras Syndrome: The Delusion of Doppelganger

Capgras Syndrome is a rare condition in which a person is perceived as the duplicate of a family member or loved one. This delusion can hamper daily functioning and affect both the patient and the person disillusioned as a doppelganger.


Fregoli Delusion: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The Fregoli delusion is named after the actor Italian Leopoldo Fregoli. It is a psychiatric disorder characterized by rare, fixed, and unidentified beliefs. The belief is that different people are the same person in disguise or are merely taking on


What is Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)?

Restless legs syndrome also referred to as Willis-Ekbom disease is a medical condition where the person has an irresistible urge to move their legs due to different sensations in their legs like crawling, itching, creeping or pulling. These sensations generally occur


Singing Boosts Language Proficiency in Brains Impacted by Stroke

Over the past few years, researchers have uncovered a surprising correlation between singing, language skills and stroke prevention. People have known for a while that singing is good for understanding things better. But now, there’s a new idea that’s catching


Psychologists Speak on How much sleep we actually need

People usually stay awake or pull “all-nighters” for a variety of reasons, like for studying for an upcoming exam, partying, Et cetera, but ignoring your sleep cycle and sleeping less than what is required by a human body can cause


9 Foods that are Great for your Brain

Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” The brain is an important part of the body that allows a person to think or feel. It is necessary to provide our brain with a lot of


What is Nervous System Dysregulation?

There are several stimuli in our environment. Our reactions to the environment are based on our interaction and communication with the stimuli in it. The nervous system, one of the most complex systems in the human body, is responsible for


Understanding Seasonal Migraine Triggers: Myths, Causes, and Coping Strategies 

A migraine headache generates severe pulsating or throbbing sensations. Migraines can be triggered by a variety of circumstances, including seasonal variations.As per research, some “substances or conditions” might cause a migraine attack, including some of the subtle changes that occur


Covishield vaccine can be a cause of brain and heart stroke, makers admitted

Vaccines came up as a savior for people across the world. But was Covishield a shield for you? The British pharma giant, the developer of Covishield AstraZeneca, finally admits rare cases of strokes and blood clots as side effects of


Brain Activity during Jazz Improvisation in Musicians of Varying Skill Levels: Study

Have you ever found yourself involved in an activity with effortless attention and enjoyed the activity for the sheer sake of doing it? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, identified this enjoyable and focused state as “Flow” and defined it as ‘a state in