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Relationship Self Help

Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Crush? Here’s How to Let Go

The smile automatically appears when the word “crush” is mentioned. Navigating the emotions that come with having a crush can be challenging, especially when it comes to moving on. Whether it’s a more intense attraction or the process of overcoming

Education Positive

A Guide to Using Cognition for Effective Learning

As someone who is constantly seeking to enhance their learning journey, I’m always on the lookout for new methods and techniques to better comprehend and apply concepts. Understanding the fundamentals of cognition has been a significant step forward in this


10 Reasons People Find it Hard to Forgive Others, According to Psychology

The bitter feelings of resentment towards those who wronged us plague our minds from time to time. “Is holding onto these feelings right?”, “Will I ever be able to forget and feel right again?” These questions haunt many almost every

Relationship Self Help

Spotting Manipulation: How to Protect Yourself and Set Boundaries

Have you ever felt that you are a puppet and someone else is pulling your strings? — whether someone is making you do things or stopping you from doing something? Manipulation is never easily visible or detectable like coercion, the


Natural Remedies and Psychological Benefits for Better Sleep

How many hours do you sleep every day? How fast do you fall asleep? Sleep is essential for physical and mental rejuvenation. Did you know, according to reports, India ranks as the second most sleep-deprived country in the world, following


Hyperthymesia: The Gift and Curse of Perfect Memory

Imagine waking up each day with the capacity to recall nearly every moment of your life. This is the reality for those with hyperthymesia, a disorder that allows for extremely detailed autobiographical memory. Emily awakens at 7:00 a.m. and, as


Tips to help you and your partner reconnect after a break in the relationship: A Psychological Perspective

Romantic relationships are a very integral part of our lives, having companionship can make our experiences more colourful, and it may act as a shield of support during our trying times. Despite the beauty of the relationships, it can sometimes


Understanding Primal Therapy: A Clear Path to Emotional Healing

In a world where we try to suppress our true emotions to maintain social decorum, imagine a therapeutic journey that unlocks our deep-rooted emotional pain from early life experiences. This therapy is called primal therapy. In the era dominated by


Why do we love Autumn, A psychological exploration!

A study conducted in Japan demonstrated that an autumn foliage mountain landscape image had relaxing effects among women in their 20s. If just an image of the season can bring about such psychological changes, how much more can happen during

Positive Self Help

How to Emotionally Detach Yourself from Someone?

Imagine you have a friend who constantly finds fault with everything you do. They make you feel unworthy. Your friendship with that friend has been long yet you don’t feel they are a safe space. The relationship is turning toxic