Search Results for : intelligence

The Trait Approach to Leadership: Understanding What Makes Great Leaders Unique

Did you ever think what makes great leaders unique from the rest? Is it the heredity as said in the Great Man theory or something else? Let’s find out! The Trait approach tries to emphasize identifying and analysing certain specific personality


What is Yerkes-Dodson Law?

People may perform better in some tasks if they have some arousal (stress). For example, a bit of stress during exams helped us perform better. On the other hand, if we had no stress or too much stress, we wouldn’t


Great Man Theory

As quoted by Thomas Carlyle “The history of the world is but the biography of a great man”. Meaning that it’s the contribution of individual leaders, that has given shape to the course of history. The epitome of greatness, ‘Alexander


What is Evolved Navigation Theory (ENT)?

Have you ever wondered why people are afraid of heights or feel dizzy when looking down at a skyscraper? To answer this we must look back at our ancestors who travelled multiple strenuous landscapes and heights with risks of falling

Education Industrial

Global Workspace Theory

Global workspace theory can be compared to a theatre of the mind, with multiple performers representing different functional regions of the brain, such as vision, language, and memory. The conscious contents resemble the bright spot on the stage of immediate


Psychology behind Productivity

Man has a natural tendency to be lazy when it comes to work and more often than not, it is the circumstances of the individual wherein he is obligated to work. The developmental process of the society is hindered due

Positive Self Help

Yoga: A Path to Psychological Well-Being

When thinking of “good” mental health, various synonymous words like emotional stability, strength, balance elated mood etc, come to mind. Thinking of mental health only in terms of psychological and emotional wellness creates a vacuum approach to mental health, leading


Exploring Heuristics: Understanding Mental Shortcuts

Sadly, humans do not have an 8GB RAM module in their processing system as the computer has, to assess the information quickly, so they need some other way to narrow down the workable solution. The mental shortcut used to draw


The Psychology Behind Success-Oriented Mindset

The phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” reminds you how great successes require patience, time and effort. Now, there exist two types of beliefs regarding this concept. One of the beliefs is that success is achievable. Whereas, the other


How Do Child Psychologists Help?

Did you know that early intervention by child psychologists can significantly improve a child’s emotional and mental health? This compelling fact highlights the importance of child psychology and the critical role that child psychologists play in the development of young