Search Results for : emotions
Self Help

How Emotions Play an Important Role in Decision-Making

Most people know that emotions have a big impact on their decisions. However, few realize how important emotions are in the decision-making process. People strongly believe that they make the best decisions without emotional interference. Economists and accountants stand firm


The Pathologization of Female Emotions

The Pathologization of Female Emotions When social networking sites are overflowing with memes and discussion of the “boys will be boys” mentality, there’s a question that needs to be asked. Is their behaviour being excused under this label as a


Art and Emotional Expression: How Aesthetics Impact Human Emotions

Art is a fundamental part of human evolution and is used to express emotions. The role played between art and emotion is a complex relationship. Artists have used their art to express a diverse range of human emotions. Aesthetics is


Why Do Men Hide Their Emotions?

Emotions are the fundamental actions that are shown by a human and these are meant to show, but our society has segregated expressing emotion in gender categories. It is structured in a way that men are expected to behave stronger.


How Fake Emotions Are used For Manipulation?

Emotion is a multifaceted experience of awareness, physical feeling, and action that expresses how something, an occasion, or a situation personally affects the individual. All the sentiments that impact men’s assessments and are accompanied by either pleasure or misery are


BIG BOYS DON’T CRY: Wearing Emotions Close to the Surface

Tears are completely normal and healthy and don’t need to be hidden away under the cover of shame and guilt. It has no gender role to play in. The norms society places on males/boys quashes their spirit of who they


How Do Colors Affect Our Emotions and Behavior?

Have you ever felt calm and relaxed in a room having blue walls? Does the green make you think about nature? If you have thought or felt these things, it is exactly how colors can impact our mood, emotion, thoughts,

Self Help

How does your Body language reveal Emotions?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone whose words seemed to be saying one thing, but their body language was saying something entirely different? We have all been in situations when we tried to not say something but our

Awareness Positive

Are Positive Emotions Just Fleeting Joy or Do They Have Lasting Benefits?

When one thinks of psychology, the mind is immediately drawn toward the negative aspects of the human mind like anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. The DSM and ICD along with many psychiatrists, often look at psychology as a disease model. Even


Workplace Emotions and The Ways to Deal with Negative Ones

How to Deal with The Emotions at Workplace Human beings are an essential part of an organization and are dynamic in nature and hence are needed to be handled with proper care because the utilization of all the other resources