Search Results for : emotional disconnect

6 Psychological Benefits of Celibacy

The vow of celibacy implies self-sacrifice, seeming unnatural to many. Reproduction is a primary human drive, being an essential element of species evolution. While celibacy goes against basic human nature, it is wholeheartedly accepted by some cultures in the belief


How to stop Negative thinking?

Have you ever felt stuck in a loop of negative thoughts, where everything seems to go wrong? This pattern, known as negative thinking, can make you feel hopeless, anxious, and stressed. Imagine your mind as a garden, where negative thoughts

Life Style

How to spend less time on Social Media? and activities to do Instead

In the present era, From the sun rises to sunsets, we often find ourselves glued to our mobile phones, regardless of their intended uses. Along with our phone battery, it sometimes feels like our brain is also exhausting itself of


Social Media and SadFishing

The increase in the use of social media has also seen an increase in the amount of information we share through it. Self-disclosure and reciprocity are very important for building a deeper relationship this is true for virtual relationships as


Apathy and its Impact on Modern Life

The pace and demands of modern life have made it harder than ever to care about things. With a plethora of information available online, we are no strangers to how cruel people can be, but with so much going on


23-year-long study shows teenage loneliness increases adult mental illness risk by 20%

Cambridge University conducted research over two decades on 2600 Norwegian participants to understand how loneliness in adolescence can increase the possibility of mental disorders like depression and psychosis in adulthood.  Loneliness vs being alone: Loneliness is an emotional state of

Self Help Social

Empowering Minds: Revolutionizing Teenage Mental Health in India

Adolescence is not just a period of storm and stress. It is a time of opportunities, a chance to leap into the fullness of our being James E. Marcia In recent years, India has witnessed a significant rise in mental


What is Languishing?

Being in this condition, you might not have a reason to stay in it. It is a difficult prospect to envisage or move on to success or happiness. It’s not like you give up all the time. You’re languishing. “Languishing”


Attachment Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

We all sometimes face difficulty when it comes to making and maintaining certain relationships. It could be because of a conflict that we were unable to resolve, or it could be a simple incompatibility between two people. However, when we


Psychology of Tragedy: Understanding, Coping and Moving forward

Tragedy is defined as an event or sequence of events that can occur singly or collectively, resulting in pain and suffering that impacts us on many levels (emotional, social, physical, coping, creative and spiritual). People frequently suffer from severe emotional