Search Results for : behaviour
Awareness Self Help

The Psychology behind Aggressive Behaviour

The APA Dictionary of Psychology defines aggression as any behaviour to harm others physically or mentally. Characteristics of aggression include but are not limited to: Read More: Impact of Media Violence on Mental Health Types of aggression Aggression could be

Awareness Education

The Psychology of Behaviour

Have you ever wondered why you do the things that you do? Or why do other people behave the way they behave? The field of psychology tries to answer questions like these by studying the mind and behaviour. This article


Behavioural Disorders in Children

Children are often naughty and do things that their parents ask them not to. This is their way of exploring their environment. Sometimes they are moody, and other times they might throw tantrums to get what they want. In such

Education Therapy

8 Techniques from Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Positive Change

The primary goal of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is to make an individual aware of their negative thought patterns (also known as irrational thoughts), make sense of them, promote rational thinking in its stead, and lead to a healthier coping mechanism. Intending


What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)?

APA Dictionary of Psychology defines REBT or Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy as a form of cognitive behaviour therapy that is based on the idea that an individual’s self-defeating beliefs influence and may even create negative feelings and behaviours. REBT was


5 Principles of Behavioural Economics

Behavioural Economics – All you need to know Have you ever expected that there exists a discipline that is inspired by both economics and psychology or something that is exactly borne out of them? If you haven’t, then embrace yourself


Attention-Seeking Behaviour in Adults

We all want to be noticed and appreciated. But for some adults, the desire for validation, concern, or simple attention becomes extreme and disruptive. The compulsion to attract eyeballs can manifest in troubling ways – from manipulating friends to faking


The Psychology of Consumer Behaviour

The Psychology of Consumer Behaviour Which mode of shopping do you like? Is it online or offline? Every person has their own choice to purchase their products. Whether it is low-cost products or expensive products or whether it’s online or


Mob Theory: The Psychology Behind Behaviour of a Huge Crowd

Violence is never the answer, nor its solution to a problem, yet humankind tends to be easily susceptible to falling prey to it. Violence never proves to be fruitful or beneficial to any it is capable of damaging lives and


Top 10 Behaviours That Are Found in Emotional People

An essential component of human behaviour, emotional intelligence enables people to recognize and control their emotions. High emotional intelligence individuals frequently engage in particular behaviors that support their emotional health and fruitful interpersonal interactions. These are the top ten behaviours