Search Results for : abusive relationships

Healing your Mother Wound

Children who feel safe and loved are naturally curious and engage in exploration, play, and growth. Meanwhile those who face physical, mental, or emotional abuse spend their energies toward mere survival. For these children, healing becomes a crucial step in

Self Help

Fawning: Trauma, People-Pleasing, and Healing

Trauma overwhelms an individual’s capacity to cope with stressful incidents. FIGHT, FLIGHT, FREEZE and FAWNING are the four known fear responses. Fawning refers to a coping mechanism which is characterized by resorting to people pleasing and submissive behaviors. It aids

Positive Self Help

Creating Safe Workspaces: Addressing Harassment and Bullying

Remember the Karti Chidambaram case of 2018? Chidambaram, son of then Finance Minister P. Chidambaram, was accused of workplace bullying and harassment by his former employee of his company, Sukanya Singh. She claimed that she faced abusive behaviour, and the


10 Reasons People Find it Hard to Forgive Others, According to Psychology

The bitter feelings of resentment towards those who wronged us plague our minds from time to time. “Is holding onto these feelings right?”, “Will I ever be able to forget and feel right again?” These questions haunt many almost every

Self Help

How to Deal with Emotional Flooding, According to Psychologists

Can you remember a time when you experienced too many emotions, so much so that they seemed to fill up your throat, your body being flooded with them? Well, let’s learn what this emotional flooding phenomenon is, and how to

Positive Self Help

How to Emotionally Detach Yourself from Someone?

Imagine you have a friend who constantly finds fault with everything you do. They make you feel unworthy. Your friendship with that friend has been long yet you don’t feel they are a safe space. The relationship is turning toxic


The Importance of Sex Education over Pornography

Do you also get awkward when you are watching Television with your parents and an intimate scene comes up? This is what happens in most of the houses. Talking openly about topics like periods and sex is still considered to


The Psychology Behind Humiliation 

Humiliation is considered to be a powerful emotion that can affect an individual’s sense of self-esteem and social standing. Let’s consider the case of Jimmy Savile who was a famous television personality. He exploited his fame wherein he considered himself


Theories of Aggression: Understanding the Roots of Violent Behavior

There have been several cases reported about the instance of aggression. Like violence and conflict, conspiracy to kill and even actually killing Sometimes. Factors that lead to such situations are mostly discovered to be communal rivalry, stress, societal pressures and individual

Awareness Positive

The Psychology Behind Honour Killing

Honour killing, a crime that has always been a part of society as a mark of shame, is the murder of a family member (typically female) by male family members in order to maintain or preserve the honour and respect