Search Results for : Social Media

Social Media and its social Norms

In the ancient times, people regularly gathered in the evening for en­gagement and entertainment. While it used to be an hour of leisure for them, they also exchanged informa­tion and had discourses on import­ant issues of the day. The ordinary

Awareness News

Adolescents Brain Development Affected by Habitual Social Media Checking

Growing up with gadgets like smartphones and tablets, media has occupied a key position in adolescents’ lives. Besides the psychological impact of social comparison, distraction, self-esteem and body image issues, “perfect life” portrayed on social media pages, and excessive concern with

Awareness Technology

The Dark World of Social Media

Social Media crime has become the new dimension of cybercrime. The popularity of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Snapchat have transformed the way we understand and experience crime and victimization. According to NCRB-2017 data, cybercrimes

Health News Positive

Replacing 30 Minutes of social media With Exercise Can Improve Mental Health

People began spending more time than usual on social media during the COVID era to get their minds off of the lockdown, isolation, worry, and helplessness they were feeling. Because of this, some people have developed unhealthy dependencies on various


Social Media Addiction

Being on Social Media platforms has become normal and helps individuals to define their “social status”. Individuals post snaps of their day-to-day life to cater to others’ attention and showcase their posh lifestyle. People use these platforms to validate their

Awareness Health Social

How people portray mental health on social media?

How people portray mental health on social media? We are living in a world where we see mental health being such a viral term on social media. Mental health has become a trending term on social media that most people

Awareness Education Technology

Social Media: Deceptive?

“There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software”                                                                                                           -Edward Tufte Whenever you buy something new, don’t you interrogate about the product? Don’t you try to get all the information possible about it, all


Social Media: A Curse Or A Boon?

To communicate with friends and family, people utilise social media on a variety of online platforms. It has given a boost to the world economy by increasing communication among different countries and promoting trade. People use numerous social media applications


What Harmful Effects Can Social Media Have On Perception Towards Self?

While looking in the mirror at yourself, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? After that do you encounter any particular thoughts coming to you? Those thoughts that are not seeded by you but what someone said


Brooding positivity or negativity on social media?

Try to recollect the time when keeping your phones away after scrolling down through your social media feed and you felt sad or anxious in anyway? It might have happened as atrocities keep on happening and everything is just one