Search Results for : Empathy

Couple Counselling: Navigating Challenges and Strengthening Relationship

Couple counselling plays a crucial role in addressing unique relationship challenges, such as when a woman decides to divorce her husband because he seems “too perfect.” These situations highlight the underlying complexities that can arise in the relationship, often stemming


Social Media and SadFishing

The increase in the use of social media has also seen an increase in the amount of information we share through it. Self-disclosure and reciprocity are very important for building a deeper relationship this is true for virtual relationships as


What is Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy?

Numerous health conditions may involve the brain, including head injuries, a stroke, dementia, and some forms of cancer, which means that the affected person cannot think or solve problems and, thus, suffer from cognitive impairment. Here CRT comes into play.


Why does no one seem to care about climate change?

The alarming rise in temperatures leading to intense heat waves highlights the urgent need to address climate change. However, general apathy persists due to several factors. The complexity and global nature of climate change can be overwhelming, particularly for populations


What is Yes Parenting?

There are hundreds of researches explaining the negative effects of authoritative and overprotective parenting. Parents are realising that kids are individuals with their minds and preferences. To grow, Children need to be provided with warmth and support so that they


How Do Child Psychologists Help?

Did you know that early intervention by child psychologists can significantly improve a child’s emotional and mental health? This compelling fact highlights the importance of child psychology and the critical role that child psychologists play in the development of young

Positive Social

 Understanding the Nocebo Effect

Many of you have heard the saying -‘ What you say is what you attract’. Now suppose it really works, which it does, then this proves you are responsible for what you go through whether it’s positive or negative because


Signs You are Born to be a Leader, According to Psychology

The concept of leadership and leadership styles has informed a vast array of fields of research for several years. Leadership is a complex concept that has taken its shape in varied forms throughout history. Historical figures such as Mahatma Gandhi,


Family Acceptance and LGBTQ+ Youth 

The LGBTQIA+ community has seen a lot of growth and development in terms of laws and regulations. Although these changes are still slow and not properly enforced. Many members of the community have felt the impact of these reforms in


Apathy and its Impact on Modern Life

The pace and demands of modern life have made it harder than ever to care about things. With a plethora of information available online, we are no strangers to how cruel people can be, but with so much going on