Search Results for : ADHD
Awareness Social

Justice Sensitivity and Neurodivergence: Navigating Unique Moral Landscapes

Justice sensitivity refers to a state of individual attunement towards fairness and injustice issues and holds a frontline role in shaping moral and ethical behaviour. In this way, sensitivity can manifest in different ways that affect how people perceive and

Education Positive

Cognitive Training for Mental Health: Insights from Psychologists

One significant aspect of present-day life, mental health, reflects overall well-being that has been garnering effective interventions to manage and enhance. One such effective intervention to enhance and manage mental health is cognitive training, gaining popularity and recognition nowadays. Cognitive


Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS): Reclaim Your Sleep

Are you aware of the circadian rhythm? Imagine you have a gardener. He wakes up every morning and makes sure that all plants requiring sunlight, water, nutrients, and shade are given the same so that they live healthier, longer, happier,


Down Syndrome: A Guide to Symptoms and Treatments

Imagine a world where we celebrate people for their unique abilities, where we see the diversity of people as a strength rather than a challenge or problem. Down Syndrome, is a genetic condition in which the person has an extra


Adam Peaty Wins Silver at Paris 2024 After Overcoming Mental Health Issues

Adam Peaty, a British swimmer won a silver medal in the Paris Olympics 2024. He was diagnosed with ADHD and struggled with alcohol abuse. English competitive swimmer Adam George Peaty specialises in breaststroke and is also an eight-time World Champion,


Behaviour Modification Therapy

You always procrastinate on your daily tasks. You have tried several times to change this behaviour. Do you find it hard and feel like it is impossible? You’re not alone, and behaviour modification therapy might be just what you need.


Understanding Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: Symptoms, Causes, and Management

Most of us may not take rejection well initially, but lately, we will pull ourselves together, and move on, right?. What if the rejection, causes severe emotional pain, and intensely heightened negative emotions that are challenging to manage? This condition


Why Gardening is good for your Mental Health?

Imagine walking into a place that feels like a lush green meadow where your every single worry fades away with the fresh air. In this scene, you can feel the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, the fragrance of


More Than Meets The Eye: Why Awareness of Invisible Illnesses Is Important

It can be easy to assume, particularly when meeting new people, that if someone looks ‘healthy’ and able-bodied, that they are. But this is not always the case and it can be a dangerous and unfair assumption with serious consequences.


What is Object Permanence in Psychology?

Have you ever wondered why a baby laughs excitedly during a game of peekaboo or why a toddler is so fascinated with hide-and-seek? These simple yet captivating activities are more than just fun and games; they are pivotal in a