Search Results for : relationship

Trait Theory in Relationships

Trait theory is a well-known psychological approach that focuses on identifying and measuring individual personality traits. Traits are often stable and enduring characteristics that influence an individual’s behavior and thoughts. They describe consistent patterns of behavior in different situations. For


Understanding correlation between attachment styles and life satisfaction: Relationship status and gender

If a community values its children, it must cherish its parents John Bowlby Attachment styles are characterized by different ways of interacting and behaving in relationships. During early childhood, these attachment styles are centered on how children and parents interact.

Life Style

Mindful Eating: A Path to Healthier Relationships with Food

An overabundance of body weight is one of today’s most squeezing open well-being issues. Our relationship with nourishment is significant. A later UK investigation on building up a positive ‘Food Future’ expressed that customers encounter a misfortune associated with nourishment

Relationship Self Help

Role of Empathy in Building a Meaningful Relationship

Relationship can be defined as the connection by which two people are bonded by a personalized beautiful trust. Be it a blood relation or an emotional relation. Now let’s see the case of one married couple relatable to today’s scenario.


7 Myths about Healthy Relationships

There are actions you can take to create a healthy relationship, regardless of how long you’ve been dating or how new your relationship is. You may find strategies to stay connected, find contentment, and experience long-lasting happiness. This is true

Positive Self Help

The link between Personality Traits and Relationship Satisfaction

The concept of personality is often an area of interest to many of us. You may find yourself filling out questionnaires online to get a deeper understanding of yourself and to find out how you function. Some people even put


10 Telltale Signs Your Relationship Is Making You Unhappy

Dealing with relationships can be quite difficult at times. Each relationship is unique, and often we find ourselves at a crossroads with our partners, with no one to guide us. Scrolling on reels, we may often find ourselves finding some

Health Relationship

Disposable Relationships: A Psychological Perspective

An evolutionary biologist explains the real science of reason we yearn for relationships and friendships. Relations and friendships are important, so important that in fact it has been proven that friendship can extend life expectancy and lower chances of heart


Why is love important in our relationship?

Love and relationships are important entities in human life from the beginning of time. A relationship is composed of several things. It encompasses friendship, Mental and Emotional compatibility, sexual attraction, and most importantly- love. Be it the tender touch of

Positive Relationship

Family Dynamics: Navigating Relationships and Parenthood in Your Lifestyle

Welcoming a first child into your life transforms your world in profound ways, reshaping your daily routine and the dynamics of your most important relationships. The journey from pregnancy to parenting is one of adaptation and growth for couples, as