Search Results for : phobia
Awareness Health

What Is The Psychology Behind Phobias?

Kanika is so scared of lizards that she suffered drastically because of it. She is so afraid of them that whenever she sees one, she starts shouting in fear and runs from the place in no time and because of



Nomophobia is the marked anxiety or fear of being without a mobile phone or being unable to see a mobile phone, or losing network or internet connectivity. The term Nomophobia includes: “no”, “mo” and “phobia”. It was given by a


Maintaining Mental Health While Coping with Chronic Illness

Whenever you have a fever and you’re completely down physically, you become mentally weak too. Have you noticed this? If maintaining good mental health is tough when you’ve fallen sick with just flu, imagine the plight while suffering from chronic


Psychology Behind Limerence

Love in all its forms can be confusing. We often think of it as a two-way connection between two people, something that blossoms and grows more strongly with time. But what if that connection was one-way? What if you felt


Are You Suffering from Roommate Phase in your Relationships?

We’ve all heard of the honeymoon phase in a relationship, characterized by passion, excitement, and the thrill of new love. But what is the roommate phase of a relationship? This stage often emerges after the initial euphoria has faded, leading


Understanding The Stigma That Surrounds Mental Health

– A middle-aged woman revealed she hasn’t even told her husband that she has intrusive​​ thoughts that their son will die because he once called her “crazy”. The father of a 19-year-old with Body Dysmorphic Disorder expressed how he feels


Should you Quit your Job for your Mental Health Reasons? : Psychologist Speaks

I am sure any and every person who has ever faced any form of mental health issues in their lifetime, has come across this question at least once – “should I quit my job?”. Nevertheless, this question is reinforced by

Self Help

8 subtle things to do when you are feeling Worthless

Upon looking at the bright sky, have you ever felt gloomy, which resembles nothing from the warm and soothing weather? And then, you would say to yourself, “ahh. How wholesome of the weather! I wish I could feel so about


Orthorexia Nervosa: The Obsession with ‘Healthy’ Eating

Eating healthy is a goal that most of us would like to achieve, it’s a pathway to a better lifestyle and an answer to many of our health-related problems. A healthy diet is often synonymous with a healthier and happier


Calm Your Nerves: Dietary Changes for Reducing Anxiety

Anxious about your upcoming exams? Oh, that’s fine. You’ll do well. Is your mother sick? So you’re afraid something might happen to her? Don’t worry. Things will get better. Worried that you might be late for your first interview if