Search Results for : mood

Maintaining Mental Health While Coping with Chronic Illness

Whenever you have a fever and you’re completely down physically, you become mentally weak too. Have you noticed this? If maintaining good mental health is tough when you’ve fallen sick with just flu, imagine the plight while suffering from chronic


Psychology Behind Limerence

Love in all its forms can be confusing. We often think of it as a two-way connection between two people, something that blossoms and grows more strongly with time. But what if that connection was one-way? What if you felt


Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy is a new, structured treatment approach for people diagnosed with mood disorders, focusing particularly on bipolar disorder. In designing ISRT, Dr Ellen Frank and colleagues take aspects of interpersonal therapy combined with stabilizing daily routines

Self Help

Is Crying Really Good for You?

Crying as a bodily response is something we are all familiar with. At some point in our lives, we’ve all shed tears here and there, cried over either an exam or a break-up or might have lost a grandparent, whether


Are You Suffering from Roommate Phase in your Relationships?

We’ve all heard of the honeymoon phase in a relationship, characterized by passion, excitement, and the thrill of new love. But what is the roommate phase of a relationship? This stage often emerges after the initial euphoria has faded, leading

Awareness Health

How long does it take to detox from Alcohol?

Alcohol detoxification, or detox, is the process of eliminating alcohol from the body while also treating withdrawal symptoms. The length and severity of alcohol detox can vary greatly from person to person, depending on factors such as alcohol use frequency


10 Tips to help people with ADHD

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is marked by persistent patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that inhibit the functioning or development of an individual. Common symptoms include failure to sustain attention in tasks, impulsivity and hyperactivity.  These must be present for at


How is Sex Addiction Treated ?

Sex addiction is a compulsive behaviour involving overwhelming desires to engage in sexual activity that interferes with daily life, relationships, and responsibilities. People develop sex addiction with easy misunderstanding and, with the power of stigma, this addiction seems as destructive

Life Style

8 signs you are an Ambivert, According to Psychology

Nowadays, exploring your personality types has become quite a trend. Generally, personality types categorise people as introverts or extroverts, but what if you oscillate between the two? You might be reserved in some situations and thrivingly social in others. Do

Awareness Self Help

Recognizing and Overcoming the Overthinking Trap

Feeling stuck in a vicious circle of rotten thoughts and worries? Hearing conversations play like recorded tapes in your head, dwelling on past mistakes, and worrying about the future? Then do not be afraid you are not alone. Overthinking stands