Search Results for : Behaviors

Emotionally Qualitative Parenting

Parenting is tough. It’s demanding, exhausting, confusing yet fulfilling. From the moment a tiny life enters the world of two connected individuals, their identity changes. From then on, it’s about another complex role that they need to carry out in


Mental Health Issues and Lifestyle Disorders Affect One-Third of Women

Around one-third of women in a recent survey with exclusively female participants reported having lifestyle and mental health problems. The experts claim that bad lifestyles can cause certain health issues for women all around the world. The researchers discovered that


Menstrual Disorders and their Impact on Mental Health

Have you ever faced any issues with your periods? Does your period seem to be affecting other aspects of your life? Menstruation or Periods as it is more commonly known is a condition undergone by most cisgender females and is

Awareness Health

Understanding Unwanted, Repetitive and Distressing Thoughts and Compulsions

Have you ever had the urge to move your left hand in a certain way because your right hand moved in a certain way? Do you check the electronics and doors multiple times before leaving home? Do you constantly worry


Breaking down the Martial Breakdown

According to Census 2011, there were more than 42 lakh women (42,25,940) who were either separated or divorced in India. Since then, of course, the numbers could have only increased much more over the last decade. This is just the


The Friend-And-Foe Nature of Technology in Regard to Mental Health

We all know that technology can have a serious negative effect on our mental health if we do not limit its use. Cases of youngsters suffering from social media or gaming addiction are often heard in the news. Social media


Obesity and Mental Health

Has someone ever advised you to start a diet or work out more frequently? Have you ever been made to go on a run or give up a certain food? Although these situations are common and often people around us

News Social

Mental Wellbeing of Malaysians: Covid 19, The 15th General Election Aftermath, Floods and Landslide

The last few years for Malaysians have been demanding. First with the Covid-19 pandemic, then the thrill ride of the 15th General Election along with its aftermath, nationwide floods, and the landslide in Batang Kali Pahang, which claimed 31 lives.


Advocating and Understanding LGBT(QAI+) Mental Health

LGBT(QAI+) is an umbrella term used for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender )Queer, Asexual, Intersex) , “+” stands for people who do not fit under any of these categories but recognize themselves as not being straight or heterosexual. The Rainbow Community

Awareness Social

How Colorism affects Mental Health and Life?

You’re dark but hey, you’re quite pretty for a dark skinned girl.” – is one of the few most common comments made upon dark women by the society of un-dark people in India, but how much do they actually mean it? Color