Search Results for : mental health

The Healing Power of a Good Listener

One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. Bryant H McGill A counselor, listening intently is the first step towards understanding, assessing and guiding the client. They know that listening is


“Working Women”- The new perspective

Since a very long time, women, in India are considered to be goddesses in avatar, a goddess who is built on certain standards of the traditional Indian society. These standards are considered essential to the foundation of the hierarchical composition

Self Help

Are you emotionally fit?

“In the abyss of emotions, I cannot quit BUT surely I can learn how to swim” Are you fit? While trying to answer this simple question one will ponder upon their BMI, eating habits, exercise routines (especially physical ones) or


ADHD and Need for Rehabilitation

It is one of the common complaints of many parents that their child is not doing well in the studies, teachers consider their child as a slow learner, they have a reluctant handwriting which is too difficult to understand, at



A child is parents’ ultimate legacy and it is important for the parents to make decisions that encompasses all the possibilities which their child’s future might encounter. For a parent, future prospective and well-being of their child is not the


SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION Vulnerability, early symptoms and self management

After this, identify the activities or hobbies which have been the source of entertainment, were pleasurable in the past and connect to the real-time social groups in which you can actively participate. List out all your friends whom you can



Menstruation- ‘Periods’, a very naturally occurring phenomenon to women. Natural yet considered a taboo- ironic, isn’t it? It is a chapter considered to be discussed behind closed doors. A female cannot talk in the open about her monthly chart under


Terminal Diseases: Underlying Behavioural and Social-economic Issues

Socio-economic Aspects of Terminal Diseases: With respect to the economic, demographic, and healthcare development, India is passing through the transitional phase. During the last two decades, India has shown remarkable economic development, but the acquired progress has benefited a very


The Expressive Self

Art speaks where words are unable to be explained. It is an ever-changing mixture of the intellectual and the emotional, the physical and the spiritual, which marks the virtue of subjectivity. Some feelings are hard to verbalize. Some thoughts we


Dysthymia: What hides in plain sight

Do you know what High Functioning Depression is? Have you ever heard about it, or come across this term? If it sounds like a new age term, it’s probably because that’s exactly what it is. High Functioning Depression is not