Search Results for : intelligence

What Is DMI Test How Does It Measure Brain Capacity

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test: DMI Test is a scientific method that decodes the details of innate brain potentials of children by analysing fingerprints. Dermatoglyphics Dermatoglyphics is a scientific study of fingerprints that is derived from ancient Greek dermato-skin and glyphic-carving.

Motivation Self Help

Unpacking the insights of a prisoned life: A psychological interpretation

I walked a mile with Pleasure; she chatted all the way; but left me none the wiser, for all she had to say, I walked a mile with Sorrow, And ne’er a word said she; but oh! The things I

Awareness Health

Are You Feeling Lonely Most of the Time: Know The Reason Behind It!

Loneliness is a human emotion that is subjective in experience and expression based on individual differences. Loneliness is a state of mind, where the social needs of a being aren’t met and they experience a sense of emptiness and being

Health Positive

The Psychology of Understanding

We have been conditioned to perceive the world around us binarily, hierarchically, opinionatedly; like/dislike, accept/reject, superior/inferior, good/bad, right/wrong. That will take us nowhere. The Key is to understand. Lack of Understanding can be referred to as one’s ‘intellectual impotence’.   What

Health News Therapy

Thousands of Women Have Received Dangerous Electric Shocks as A Mental Health Treatment: England

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is believed to be used on tens of thousands of women in England who have mental health issues. According to NHS data, ECT is prescribed disproportionately to women, who account for two-thirds of those who receive it.

Awareness Health

Know About Brain: Eliminating Myths, Correcting Facts

Many types of research are going on to understand the dynamics of brain functioning as there are still several things in the brain that spark the curiosity in a researcher to explore the scope and its work. Sadly, there are

News Positive Self Help

How is Music Actually Beneficial to Our Mental Health?

For years, music has been regarded to be the one that calms our brains and relaxes us. Many people believe that learning or listening to music can improve a person’s IQ and mental health. But isn’t that what music is

Health News

Brain scans have the potential to disclose a lot about mental illness

Researchers have been able to look inside the human brain thanks to MRI images. Furthermore, the technique is excellent at revealing stroke damage or areas that light up when we view a face. However, brain scan research has yet to

Self Help

4 Creatively Ways to find a solution for anything

As truly said by Michalko, Creativity is something different from intelligence and is a parallel construct to intelligence, but it differs from intelligence in that it is not restricted to cognitive behaviour. Instead, it is concerned with a complex mix



Robot Therapy is an Artificial Intelligence non –human therapist with Computer-assisted help. Over the last few years, mental health care has been changed evolving from couch in a one-to-one conversation to a text-based therapies through messaging apps, online therapy sessions,