Search Results for : parenting
Awareness Health Research Social

Reckless Driving: The Dread of the Indian Roads?

Reckless driving is a major concern in the Indian society. According to the National Health Portal, India witnessed 1,51,417 deaths due to Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) in 2018. Out of these deaths, 97,588 deaths were caused due to over-speeding, and


Optimism and Resilience In Parents Of Children With Special Needs

Educational Psychology is the field where learning process of human being is studied. Different ways of processing, learning difficulties, study of how people understand, studying behaviour of people come under educational psychology. Optimism is the perspective of an individual to

Awareness Technology

How safe is playing PUBG for your Mental Health?

In a study done for 4-years, researchers found that adolescents/adults who play video games that involve high risk-taking and violence are more likely to get engaged in violent activities and risky behaviour. They also exhibit a low score on anger


What is the Significance of Attachment on Socio-emotional Development of Children?

Attachment, an emotional bond that connects individuals together, is evolutionarily and developmentally most researched topic. It has fascinated several academicians, psychologists, especially developmental and cultural psychologists since ages due to its dynamic nature of forming foundation for a person’s personality

Health Relationship Self Help

What are the Effects of Parents’ Divorce on Children?

Getting divorced is a difficult process not only for the couple but also for their children. Divorce creates an emotional turmoil for the family which they go through and it can be very confusing, scaring and draining for the kids.

Awareness Parenting

How raising a challenging child can be easier?

Nobody told you parenting is hard work. Correction – it’s very hard work. Nobody told you it’s going to suck the life out of you. Nobody told you kids aren’t angels. Twitter and Instagram only showed you the good side,

Awareness Education

Who is a psychopath and why should we magnify on the concept of psychopathy?

What notions do we have of a psychopath? They live in abandoned houses, living in a place that is dark, lonely and eerie. This is the most common stereotype regarding psychopaths that they have a dark personality, they look creepy

Awareness News

Mental Health Awareness Week-2020 | Psychologs Magazine

Psychologs is celebrating the Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 observed from 18 May to 24 May by organizing an e-conclave throughout the week from 4 to 7 pm every day. The conclave will be conducted through live talk and Q&A


The upbringing of the Children

Love that fluctuates is not true love, it is attachment. Love that is constant is god’s love. The responsibility of parents towards children is that of the prime minister to the country or a garden with different flowers becomes beautiful


What effect do Home Atmosphere and Childrearing practices have on the Nursery-school Child’s Personality?

As the child grows and makes further advances in ability and understanding, his interactions with his parents more extensive, more complex, and subtler. By the time the child is in nursery school, parental handling of specific needs such as hunger