Search Results for : behaviours

The Psychology of Corruption

Corruption is dishonest conduct or behaviour that is generally seen to be conducted by those in power. Corruption involves the act of bribery, influence peddling, favourism, nepotism and embezzlement and is characterized as a fraud or criminal offense. Authoritative figures


Comparative Psychology: Exploring the Behaviour Across all Species

Comparative psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour of animals like dogs, cats, rats, pigs and other such animals, unlike humans. The father of comparative psychology is C Lloyd Morgan due to the fact that he provided


Ghosting and Dark Psychology

The beauty of social media and the internet is that it helps us connect to so many people all across the globe at any given hour. Now let us look at the other side of this coin. Imagine you are


Intellectual Disability: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The term “intellectual disability” is replaced by “mental retardation” by DSM-V as it has negative connotations, is offensive and raises misunderstandings about the nature of the disorder. Intellectual Disability refers to cognitive deficits in intellectual functioning – intelligence, reasoning, planning,


Why Psychology is Important?

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behaviour. As a research-and experiment-based discipline, psychology draws on a rich tradition of psychological theory to shape contemporary methods and procedures. Psychology clarifies human behaviour and enables us to comprehend

Awareness Social

What Is Conformity?

Imagine you’re asked to be the participant in a psychological experiment. You’re sitting in a room with a group of 8 other people. A presenter is standing in front of you, showing you plaque cards of different colours. The experiment

Education Health

Effectiveness of Psychotherapy

“I don’t feel like doing anything, nothing is working out in my life, I can’t sleep, or eat, why is god doing this to me? “ It is just a phase…” The other day, on a moonlit promenade after a


Classical Conditioning: A Simple Exploration through Ivan Pavlov

Ding!Ding! You hear the school bell ring and it is lunch break, you immediately open your tiffin box and start eating. Why do we automatically open our tiffins to eat as soon as the bell rings? This association of the


15 of the Best Couples Therapy Techniques to try

Couples therapy is a form of therapy that aims at solving interpersonal conflicts and issues arising between you and your partner. It involves the therapist acting as a mediator between romantically involved individuals to form a communication bridge that was

Life Style

The Psychology of Temptation

Temptation is the term used by people so often to express the feeling of craving, when they want to do something or have something specific for themselves, even when they know they should avoid having or wanting it as it