Search Results for : Behaviors

The Psychology Behind Celebrity Culture

Body image has become extremely important in today’s day and age with the rush of celebrity content on social media. Nowadays famous celebrities are in a race to look more perfect than others and some have even invested in cosmetic


The Importance of Consistency in Personal Growth

Success depends on consistency, which is a crucial factor. Being consistent entails committing to your objectives and maintaining attention on the tasks and endeavors necessary to fulfill them. However, it necessitates a long-term commitment and calls for consistent action until


Conformity: When You Are Not Sure About The Decisions 

Conformity is a social influence that, might occasionally mean agreeing with or acting like the majority of a certain group, or it can involve acting in a particular way to appear “normal” to the group. In essence, conformity entails caving


Role of Media in Promoting Body Image Dissatisfaction

The effect of social media on body image can have various negative consequences on the physical and psychological well-being of an individual. They experience body shame because of continuous exposure to particular body types on social media. Social media gives

Self Help

How Trauma and Identity Are Related to Each Other?

We all have a sense of self, who we think we are and the values we believe in. This sense of self is central to our identity. As Erik Erikson put forward identity is shaped throughout our life and can


Walking Corpse Disorder: Haunting Reality of Delusion

A person stands in the dimly lit space, certain that they are no longer there. They look in the mirror, but all they see is a ghostly image—a lifeless, empty shell. This is the unsettling reality for those who are


Mob Theory: The Psychology Behind Behaviour of a Huge Crowd

Violence is never the answer, nor its solution to a problem, yet humankind tends to be easily susceptible to falling prey to it. Violence never proves to be fruitful or beneficial to any it is capable of damaging lives and


How Is The Life Of Counselors, And What Kind Of Challenges Do They Face?

Counselors are professionals with probably one of the most mentally challenging tasks in the world, assisting people! A counselor’s life revolves around the noble ideas of humanity, such as compassion, understanding, and commitment to support people in their journey and


What is Savant Syndrome? Types, and link with some mental disorders

The word savant means an individual who has an extraordinary aptitude in a particular field and is distinguished among others, despite having impairment in social functioning or intellectual functioning. This aptitude can be in fields like music, mathematics, etc. Savant


Psycho-Oncology: Link between Cancer & Mental Disorders

We all know psychology is science or the study of human behaviors. But there are many fields related to psychology. Whereas oncology is a branch of the medical field that deals with various aspects of cancer and its treatment. But