Search Results for : mood
Health Parenting

How Early Puberty Impacts the Mental Health of the Child

In a world where you get to hear, “You’re no more a child to go, sit and play; Come help me with the chores of the house” and “Do not sit among the adults, go out and play”. Between both


Understanding the Overlap in Mental Illnesses

A mental disorder is a general word describing a wide variety of psychological disorders that impact behaviour, cognitive abilities, and day-to-day functioning. They affect your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and depression are a few common


Understanding the Comorbidity in Psychology

“Comorbidity” refers to the coexistence of many diseases or conditions in a single patient. When a patient has one or more psychological disorders in addition to their primary ailment, this is referred to as comorbidity in psychology. The term “primary


How does Client-Centred Therapy work?

When visiting doctors, we often regard them as the ultimate authorities on medical knowledge, despite our limited understanding gained from casual Google searches about various symptoms and possible disorders. The common practice in medicine can be more detrimental than beneficial


What is Pediatric Neuropsychology? Study of the brain and behavior in children

Pediatric Neuropsychology is a field of psychology that pertains to the study of the brain and behavior in children. It involves assessing and treating cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social difficulties arising from brain dysfunction or injury. It studies the interplay

Health Self Help

Do You Know How Menopause Affects a Woman’s Mind?

Menopause is the time period when the menstrual cycle in women completely gets terminated. Women permanently stop menstruating when reached a certain stage of life called Menopause. Menopause is also referred to as ‘the change of life’ as after that


What is Abnormal psychology? Meaning, history, and Theoretical perspectives

The study of psychopathology and abnormal conduct, or the thought, emotion, and behavior patterns that may indicate a mental health issue, is known as abnormal psychology. The phrase encompasses a wide range of problems, including personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),


It’s Important to Understand the Complexities of Borderline Personality Disorder

A child seeks affection and security through their caregivers and their development depends on their experiences of childhood. When these caregivers neglect or abuse the child instead of providing security, the child feels threatened and unsafe in his own environment.


Common Nightmares and Its Impact on Mental Health

Nightmares are a disturbing dream which awakens you from your sleep and even causes anxiety and fear which may make it difficult to fall asleep again. It is associated with negative feelings which might persist even the following day. They


Ileana D’Cruz shares her battle with postpartum Depression

Bollywood actress Ileana D’Cruz recently discussed how difficult it is for her to manage her time, particularly now that she is a mother. She discussed her experiences as a mother on Instagram, especially her attempts to carve out time for