Search Results for : behaviours

Conformity and Rebellion: Understanding Social Influence in Groups

Have you ever questioned the idea of social influence and how it can impact someone’s behaviour? Or are you curious about what causes people to feel like they must conform to be part of a group? For decades, people have


Understanding the Overlap in Mental Illnesses

A mental disorder is a general word describing a wide variety of psychological disorders that impact behaviour, cognitive abilities, and day-to-day functioning. They affect your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and depression are a few common


11 Effective Methods to Teach Children Good Habits

“Through others we become ourselves” Lev Vygotsky Lev Vygotsky was a psychologist known for his theories on child development. This quote implies the importance of social environment and relationships in children. Interactions with caregivers, family, peers, etc have a significant


The Power of Autonomy: Why It Matters in Psychology

In psychology, autonomy is the capacity to make decisions on your own instead of relying on other people. The ability to be autonomous must be developed gradually. One of the best instances of autonomy is how, from being completely dependent


7 Ways Organizational Psychologists Boost Workplace Productivity

Key Points : Organizational psychologists are vital to the rise in productivity in the workplace because they apply psychological theories and research methods to improve organizational performance, employee satisfaction, and work environment. They focus on understanding how individuals behave in


A Journey of Understanding Oneself: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

Once upon a time, in a hustling city, lived a man named Rohit aged around 34 years. He has recently become a Father. Though he has the happiness of becoming a father to a beautiful angel, he seems dull and

Education Life Style

The Psychology of Mirroring: Understanding the Chameleon Effect

The “chameleon effect” refers to the tendency to adopt the postures, gestures, and mannerisms of interaction partners (Chartrand & Bargh, 1999). This kind of mimicry happens unconsciously and without any intention of copying or mimicking. People who replicate or match


Forensic Psychology vs Criminal Psychology

“Oh, hey, you’re pursuing psychology, right? That means you must be able to read minds!” Awkward silence takes over, “Umm, not really”. Despite popular myths and misconceptions, psychology is a scientific field that deals with the study of an individual’s


Why is love important in our relationship?

Love and relationships are important entities in human life from the beginning of time. A relationship is composed of several things. It encompasses friendship, Mental and Emotional compatibility, sexual attraction, and most importantly- love. Be it the tender touch of


Self Concept: Definition, Factors and Elements

Our understanding of who we are, comprising all our ideas and emotions regarding our physical, psychological, and social selves, is known as our self-concept. Self-concept also encompasses our perception of our unique qualities, capacities, and behaviours. Early infancy and adolescence are