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Self Help

The Craze of Self-Help Books in People

Self-help books have become a way to achieve personal development. They have become a reliable source from which people get guidance, inspiration, and advice that are action-oriented and help them to improve in various aspects of life. There has been

Self Help

Tips to Manage Mood Swings and Regaining Emotional Balance

Mood swings are a natural part of life. When a person experiences fluctuations of moods and demotions for a longer period, it is called mood swings. An indication of mood swings is when you might be going through a fluctuation


Childhood Depression: The Cryptic Essence

We have mostly understood depression as a state of low and negative mood experiences and thought patterns. It is a highly prevalent mental health condition that substantially impacts our capacity to engage in life experiences, including those within family and

Self Help

The Psychology Behind Overconfidence

We all know that confidence is a very desirable personality trait that is considered essential in our behavior. While being confident is usually considered a sign of good self-esteem too much of optimistic charm and confidence is often deemed harmful.


Child Sexual Abuse and Its Deep Impact on Mental Health

Any form of abuse either physical, mental, or emotional is a serious and tragic issue in society. Child sexual abuse out of all forms of abuse is the worst thing we ever imagine happening to a human being. It affects


The Psychological Impacts of Violent Films on Viewers

It is commonly known that people tend to adopt the behaviors to which we are exposed more frequently. If an individual is exposed to an aggressive environment, it is likely for them to adapt aggressiveness in their day-to-day behavior. This

Education Life Style Self Help

Career Transitions and Mental Health: Navigating Change Successfully

Thinking of changing your career path, or dealing with changes in your current career path can be daunting and sometimes overwhelming. It comes with feelings of uncertainty, as you are about to leave an old job routine or enter an

Education Life Style

Healing Verse: The Therapeutic Benefits of Writing Poetry

Poetry drives the mightiest of offices to respectfully learn lessons in compassion while empowering the simplest of lives to bravely confront the deepest hardships. Similar to art therapy, poetry therapy is a means of expression. It entails using narrative poems

Awareness Life Style

Content Creation: Incorporating Mental Health Practices into Your Creative Process

One of the typical behaviors noticed in today’s lifestyle is scrolling on social media. We spend hours and hours spending time in watching content on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and X. There are various types of content we

Industrial Positive

How to Develop Positive Organizational Behavior?

Have you ever dreaded going to work because you sense a weight in the air as soon as you enter the building? Successful businesses understand that unhappy workers put in less effort at work and are more likely to quit,