Search Results for : Behaviors

Is India Paying Enough Attention to the Mental Health of Young Adolescents?

According to India’s total population of more than 1.4 billion, the adolescent population (aged 10-19 years) accounts for about 253 million, making it a significant number out of the total. Economists and demographers have coined this demographic segment as the


What Goes on in a Psychopath’s Mind?

We sit back at home watching the news about a heinous crime that someone Committed and think “How can a person do this to another person?”, “Why did they do it?”, “How can someone take pleasure in torturing someone? “By


Guidelines for Suicide Prevention in Schools, Draft Issued by Central Government

The Ministry of Education issued draft guidelines to sensitize and provide support for cases of self-harm in students in schools all over India. The plan is the need of the hour, after an alarming number of students died by suicide


The Psychology Behind the Male Gaze

Laura Mulvey in the essay of the name- “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”, establishes the concept of the male gaze, where, in the visual media, the majority of representation of women is of objects of desire portrayed through a heterosexual


Growing Strong: Mental Health Promotion for Children and Teens

Mental Health is a very decisive domain of our lives. It refers to overall cognitive, behavioural, and emotional well-being. Mental health usually reflects how people think, feel, and behave. Any distortions in mental health can affect daily living, relationships, and


Different Parenting Styles: How it Affects the Development of the Child

Parenting is a tough job that every parent has to go through while raising their children. Parenting deeply affects a child’s overall personality, it helps form values and morals and helps them to grow and learn in their life about


What Makes You Happy: Exploring the Psychological Foundation of Happiness

The feeling of holding a trophy on stage when everyone is applauding for you in a large hall, getting admission in the educational institution you have been longing for, greeting selected for your dream job, and receiving your favorite flowers


Intellectual Disability: It’s Time We Pay Attention

“He is dumb,” an old friend retorted when his seven-year-old child did not greet me ‘the way he was supposed to’. It agitated me. The whole conversation left a sad lingering feeling. I had met this child as an eleven-month-old


Awareness And Useful Solutions To Psychological Disorders

Thousands of us suffer pangs of pain, frustration, helplessness, and disappointment because of psychological disorders. If the disorder is mild, they bear it in silence. If it is at a severe level, they are forced to take treatment. The expense


Munchausen Syndrome: The Art of Self-Inflicted Illness

Munchausen syndrome is a psychological condition where one pretends to be ill or produces any kind of symptoms of any kind of illness just to seek attention and sympathy from people. An individual with this symptom will tend to lie