Search Results for : psychotherapy
Awareness Self Help

Reasons You Should Have A Cuddly Four-Legged Friend

Animals and humans share a primordial connection. They have been kept as companions since ancient times. The type of pet effect or keeping patterns has changed immensely over the last few decades. People initially kept cows, dogs, horses, goats, or

Awareness Therapy

A Complete Guide to CBT as a Counseling Approach

Counseling is a vast field that involves the use of various therapeutic techniques that employ different principles for the treatment of the patient. CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is one of the several approaches that are in trend these days in


Roles and Responsibilities of Being a Clinical Psychologist

A clinical psychologist has many different roles. Clinical psychologists, on the other hand, are educated to examine people’s mental and behavioral issues and problems with the aim of encouraging improvement. These health psychologists identify and treat patients with mental illnesses


5 Most Famous Psychologists  

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and conduct, according to the American Psychological Association. The study of psychology spans a wide range of topics, including human development, sports, health, clinical, social behaviour, and cognitive processes. Also Read: 15


Vacancies are open for Project Officer (Clinical Psychologist/Counselor) at IIT Roorkee

In Roorkee, Uttarakhand, there is an independent research university called IIT Roorkee. The oldest technical university in Asia is IIT Roorkee, which was founded in 1847 as Thomason College of Civil Engineering. The 358.5-acre main campus of IIT Roorkee is


Understanding Grief Therapy And Its Interventions

It can be physically and emotionally agonizing to lose a loved one, which may sometimes make it challenging to carry out daily tasks.It is extremely important to process your feelings at the time of mourning by seeking a counselor or

Entertain Positive

The Joy of Play: How Toys Boost Our Happy Feelings and Mind

Do you know, There is a ton of information that supports the idea that playing with toys is a crucial part of a child’s development? All children like playing with toys and the various functions that toys have in their


Social Fear: Why Do You Feel Anxious with Others

Social anxiety can occur because of many reasons. Sometimes the fear of being judged induces anxiety in the person. Due to this restlessness and anxiety pumping in the body, we feel apprehensive and tend to avoid people as much as


Walking Corpse Disorder: Haunting Reality of Delusion

A person stands in the dimly lit space, certain that they are no longer there. They look in the mirror, but all they see is a ghostly image—a lifeless, empty shell. This is the unsettling reality for those who are


Enmeshment Trauma: Being Too Good Can Also Be a Bad Thing

A functioning family will have strong familial relationships. A good family dynamic often has shared ideals and perspectives. However, having too much of a good thing might have unfavorable effects. The blurring of boundaries and duties within a family dynamic