Search Results for : parenting

Let’s clarify some myths about Schizophrenia

Let’s clarify some myths about Schizophrenia Psychological disorders are quite the umbrella term for several mental illnesses, especially nowadays in the era of the internet and social media it is one of the commonly used terms and is often misused


Pediatric Psychology: Understanding the Challenges faced By Pediatric Psychologists

Pediatric psychology is a multidisciplinary branch of psychology and also known as child psychology. It is a specialize area in the field of psychology. It works on the children and adolescents mental, emotional, and behavioural development. Pediatric psychologists work with


Altruism: Motivations Behind Kindness and Helping Behavior

Picture this: You’re walking down the street, lost in your own thoughts. This is when suddenly you witness a random act of kindness that warms your heart. Maybe it’s a stranger helping an elderly person cross the road, or someone


Greening Homes: The Popularity and Benefits of Pet Plants

Do you have a pet plant? or do you know anyone around you who has one? Although not very common before, keeping plants has become a very common thing nowadays. There are many reasons for this. While it is aesthetic


Good Touch and Bad Touch: An Important Topic for Kids

In today’s environment, parents are extremely important in educating their kids about proper and inappropriate contact. We unfortunately live in a world that is seeing a huge increase in crimes. In today’s world, crimes like sexual assault and assault are


Peter Pan syndrome- A child trapped in an adult’s body

Growing up as children, we yearned for independence, but as adults, we realize how challenging being a grown-up can be. It can be difficult dealing with the stresses of adult life, from meeting deadlines to paying bills. It may be


Benefits of Short-term therapy for parents and child: Study

Therapies play a major role in the treatment of many neurological and psychiatric disorders and improve the mental health of individuals. American Psychological Association conducted a pilot study. The study discovered that giving short-term therapies helped parents and their children


The experiences of families raising autistic children

The North-West University Department of Psychology led research which involved Boitumelo K. Phetoe, Heleen K. Coetzee, Petro Erasmus, and Wandile F. Tsabedze. They set out to explore families’ real-world struggles in raising autistic children. As we know, both in South

Awareness Social

Do You Feel Like an Outsider?

Have you ever felt like an outsider? have you ever succeeded at something but felt that it was because of others and not you? Do you feel like you are constantly putting on an act and that you are fake?


In Depth Understanding of Type ‘A’ Personality

What qualities make someone with a type A personality? Although personality qualities can vary significantly from person to person, there isn’t a clear definition of what it means to have a type A personality. Typically, people with type A personalities