Search Results for : behaviours

Strategies for Addressing Body Image Concerns in Bipolar Disorder

Body image, or the picture you have of your physical appearance in your own eyes, is highly personal. For those with bipolar disorder, mood episodes and side effects can magnify body image issues. Bipolar disorder is a mental health illness


Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Symptoms, Treatment and Diagnosis

A skewed sense of self and extreme, erratic emotions are symptoms of histrionic personality disorder (HPD). One definition of histrionic is “dramatic or theatrical”. “Individuals suffering with histrionic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-worth that is based on


Understanding Pica Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Remember those moments from childhood when we sometimes explored by tasting things like mud or dirt? While it’s common for children to be curious and occasionally try non-food items, some people develop an overwhelming and persistent urge to eat these

Awareness Social

Importance of Social Interaction in Early Childhood Development

Each human being has an innate propensity for social interaction that exists in everyone including the newborn. Even infant of three months old have the innate ability to communicate with their parents or others around them through actions like blinking,

Self Help

9 Healthy Ways to Channel Anger and Find Inner Peace

Human behaviour is vividly complex and we possess a variety of emotions. A common misconception around emotions is that of perceiving them as either positive or negative. It is important to realise that all kinds of emotions reside in each

Awareness Self Help

The Art of Self-Discovery in Psychotherapy

“Self” is a concept that encompasses our sense of identity, our understanding of who we are, and how we relate to the world around us. It is not a monolithic entity but rather a constellation of interconnected components. One of


Understanding Terror Management Theory

The one who has come to life has to go one day, it is the truth of life. Death is inevitable. And this truth sometimes causes a kind of existential anxiety in people. These thoughts of impending doom might be

Education Parenting

TEACCH: Embracing Neurodiversity, Cultivating Independence

Comprehensive treatment model (CTM)  refers to those intervention approaches for children under the Autism spectrum. It includes multiple practices to approach a broad learning goal. Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH) is one of the


How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is also known as impostor phenomenon or impostorism. It is a Psychological phenomenon that affects millions of people world-wide. It affects people regardless of their age, gender, or professional status. It influences individuals in any case of their


The Psychology of Masochism

Masochism, a term derived from the writer Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, refers to the tendency to derive pleasure from pain, suffering, or humiliation. While traditionally associated with sexual gratification, masochism extends into various psychological and social realms, manifesting in behaviors, emotional