Search Results for : romantic relationships

Foodie calls: dating for a free meal (rather than a relationship)

When it comes to dating, there is a lot of possibilities that people can present themselves and their interest in any number of ways. One of the newer phenomena is a ‘foodie call’ where a person sets up a date


Is love an addiction

Recently came out a much talked movie, and after watching it, one question surely popped, ‘Can you be addicted to a person like drugs? Is this love or is love an addiction’, I felt that movie was an example of


Relationship Guide

As soon as you read the title of this article, you might have instantly thought that this section would talk about a romantic relationship or something on the similar lines and would provide you a rulebook or guidelines or “5


LGBT Inclusion in Organization

On 6 September 2018, the Supreme Court scrapped a colonial-era ban and ruled that Section 377 is unconstitutional as it infringed on the fundamental rights of autonomy, intimacy and identity, thus legalising homosexuality in India. The majority of organizations showed


Cannabis….. Really

Cannabis is a common substance of abuse during adolescence among school, college going students and street children in India. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 147 million people or 2.5 percent of world population use Cannabis, making it the


Signature strengths and Self-awareness; key to quality life

“Awareness of self, strengthens the quality of life”. Life is a journey of ups and downs, the wave of the challenges and emotions involved, have some high tides and some low tides but the only promise that life makes is,


Emotionally Focussed Therapy for Couples in the Wake of Globalisation

It is an era of globalisation. The world has become a small village connected closely by technological roots. While on one hand such a situation has blessed the mankind with utmost comfort, luxurious lifestyles and flourishing economies, while on the

Self Help

Emotional Isolation: The New Sense of Being

Emotional Isolation: The New Sense of Being If you were to close your eyes and think of a few people who really,’ understand you’; chances are that only a few lucky ones would be able to think of one or


Perfect Relationship – is a Myth

“Relationship counseling” is such a trending topic these days. It suggests that people are getting aware or may be more sensitive about their mental health in the relationship; they seek advice from professionals to save the relationship or would try


What is the secret of Relationship Satisfaction?

A research presented at the annual convocation of the American Psychological Association found that couple who have same texting style reported great satisfaction in their romantic relationship. Researcher Psychologist Leora Trub from Pace University surveyed 205 people between the age group of